HAARETZ: ZOA & Reform Jewish Group Clash Over Trump Pick Huckabee as Israel Ambassador, Setting Stage For Contentious Confirmation
February 26, 2025

“ZOA’s supporters include members of every Jewish stream – including Reform Judaism. I can assure you that many Reform Jews strongly disagree with [Rabbi] Pesner’s views, notwithstanding Pesner’s effort to portray himself as representing the entirety of Reform Jewry,” ZOA President Mort Klein wrote in a letter, which further details his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shared by Huckabee – rejecting the concept of Israeli “occupation” as well as the general “historical concept of Palestinian Arab people.”

By Ben Samuels

(February 24, 2025 / Haaretz) Ahead of U.S. Ambassador to Israel nominee Mike Huckabee’s Senate confirmation hearing, dueling Jewish organizations are attempting to sway U.S. lawmakers on Huckabee’s qualifications – or lack thereof.

While the efforts – spearheaded by the Reform Movement and the Zionist Organization of America, respectively – fall along expected partisan lines, it is the latest example of the  intense polarization represented by the Trump administration’s approach to Israel and the Middle East.

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, wrote to all 100 senators on behalf of 850 congregations across North America encompassing 1.8 million Reform Jews as well as the Central Conference of American Rabbis, whose membership includes over 2,000 Reform rabbis.

“The essential goal of any ambassador is advancing U.S. interests and values abroad. In the case of Israel, the United States’ oldest and closest ally in the Middle East, the two nations’ interests and values have historically overlapped.”

Rabbi Pesner identified the shared interests and values between the nations as “a commitment to democracy and rule of law, opposition to extremism and terrorism, and advancing regional and international security through the pursuit of peace, including through the recognition and advancement through peaceful means of Palestinian national aspirations.”

Pesner continued, casting doubt over the Trump nominee’s belief in these principles: “Governor Huckabee‘s record raises serious questions about his commitment to these values and interests that have persisted across Republican and Democratic administrations alike.”

Detailing his well-established record of support for Israel’s annexation of the West Bank and anti-Palestinian rhetoric, Pesner noted that Huckabee has since “made clear that as ambassador, he would not make policy, but rather carry out the policies embraced by the president.”

“Yet as ambassador, Governor Huckabee would also have a responsibility to advise the president when proposed policies, even those from the president himself, run counter to U.S. interests,” adding that “Governor Huckabee’s comments do not suggest any appreciation of, or willingness to play that role,” Rabbi Pesner said.

Pesner also raised Huckabee’s faith as a source of his views on Israel saying that they “may be shaped in significant part by his deeply held evangelical faith, including what is known as ‘Christian Zionism,'” adding that “this ideology professes a love of Israel rooted in the belief that Jewish sovereignty over the biblical land of Israel will hasten the return of Jesus Christ.”

In doing so, Pesner clarified the importance of religious freedom which he said “must never be a barrier to participation in public life,” but expressed grave concern of teachings that believe “the well-being of Jews, of Israel, and of America are not ends in themselves but means to the fulfillment of Christian eschatology.”

Pesner warned that “Whenever personal faith is transformed into government policies without being tested in the free marketplace of ideas” American interests are ill-served and “the wisdom of the founders’ separation of religion and state is betrayed.”

Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, a longtime Trump supporter* and perhaps his most vocal advocate among the Jewish establishment, wrote to senators in response endorsing Huckabee (whom the organization honored in 2019), while noting how his organization was “appalled” by Pesner’s missive.

ZOA‘s supporters include members of every Jewish stream – including Reform Judaism. I can assure you that many Reform Jews strongly disagree with [Rabbi] Pesner’s views, notwithstanding Pesner’s effort to portray himself as representing the entirety of Reform Jewry.

Klein’s letter further details his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shared by Huckabee – rejecting the concept of Israeli “occupation” as well as the general “historical concept of Palestinian Arab people.”

Klein also decried Pesner’s skepticism of Christian Zionism, accusing him of “maligning the tens of millions of evangelicals and Christian Zionists in the United States” and “establishing a dangerous religious test for public office.”

Huckabee’s hearing has yet to be scheduled, and Senate Democrats have insisted they would not advance any nominations as long as Trump’s foreign aid freeze and attacks on organizations such as USAID continue unabated.

This article was originally published by Haaretz and can be viewed here.

*Note: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) does not endorse any political candidates, only policies. 

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