Israel Natl News: History of the ZOA. Vote Now: Slate#15 in the World Zionist Congress Election

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By Randy Settenbrino

Why the ZOA?

As we are Recovering From the Arab Atrocities, this is the time to together fight for Israel, Judea/Samaria, Jewish Students and against antisemitism!


Randy Settenbrino

(March 6, 2025 / Arutz Sheva) There is a dearth of Jewish leadership in almost all the mainstream American Jewish organizations, with the exception of the Zionist Organization of America under Morton Klein’s courageous leadership. There is little capacity among most mainstream organizations to present unabashed Jewish interests, unsullied by echoes of dead-end arrangements. The spiritless efforts of our institutions are an affront to committed Jews and an outright detriment to Jewish continuity. We hear calls for a two-state solution, muted responses in the face of campus hate, a lack of resolve to call out Jewish politicians and diplomats who make little to no effort to come to Israel’s defense or to chastise Jews who coddle a Democratic party whose positions and presidency have failed to protect Israel in the UN and have repeatedly threatened Israel to conform or lose arms and aid.

There are many areas about which we need to learn from today’s ZOA, but a look at the past can teach us how the late 19th-century to mid-20th century Zionist Organization of America came to be the answer to our most pressing concerns. It still is.

Founded in 1897, as the Federation of American Zionists, ZOA was the first official Zionist organization in the United States. Richard Gottheil, the first FAZ President, adopted the organization’s constitution. Under the Honorable Louis Brandeis it was rebranded the Zionist Organization of America and became instrumental in providing leadership to advance the reunification of the Land and People of Israel. Throughout the darkness and horrors of pogroms and the Holocaust, ZOA laid the cornerstone for the establishment of a Third Commonwealth in Eretz Yisroel, securing the political and financial means necessary to provide a sanctuary to myriads of downtrodden Jewish refugees. ZOA was a major force in the reestablishment of the Jewish Homeland in Eretz Yisroel, as both our sanctuary and fortress against deathly antisemitism.

The Power of Leadership

Louis Brandeis had two very consequential firsts: as a Jewish Supreme Court Justice, and also as a ZOA president. Brandeis was an influential liaison between President Woodrow Wilson and “His Majesty’s Government,” as the Balfour Declaration moved forward. Brandeis played a leading role in persuading both nations to accept the creation of a Jewish homeland.

PM Golda Meir speaking gat the ZOA House in TLV

ZOA Annual Convention

1914 -1921

Under the Honorable Louis Brandeis’ leadership, FAZ was rebranded the Zionist Organization of America. ZOA membership increased tenfold to 200,000 members and surpassed Europe’s World Zionist Congress as the primary representative of world Jewry. During World War I, the WZC was in limbo due to a divided allegiance to the different sides in the conflict, but Brandeis helped to create an American Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs on behalf of the World Zionist Organization.

Brandeis made invaluable contributions, but what was needed most was action.

In 1921 at the Cleveland convention, Brandeis was ousted in favor of Louis Lipsky, who espoused a facts-on-the-ground ideology that spoke in real time needs for economic investment in Eretz Yisroel. The practical shift brought political and financial success, resulting in the 1924 merger of the annual Zionist major fund-raising efforts, creating the United Palestine Appeal.

ZOA president Rabbi Silver was a man of legendary proportions who served as president from 1945-47, and his protégé Dr. Emanuel Neumann (1947-49 and 1956-58) were the power base of the major moves by the ZOA which helped to procure statehood.

Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and co-chairman Dr. Emanuel Neumann founded and served on the American Zionist Emergency Council, to represent and promote leadership at a time when communication with Europe and the Holy Land was muted.

The revelation of the extent of Nazi atrocities roused American Jewry to assemble delegates at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York, where Rabbi Silver broke the hearts of the audience with a visual description of the damaged state of European Jewry, causing many to weep.

“The reconstitution of the Jewish people as a nation in its homeland,” Silver declared, “is not a playful political conceit of ours. . . . It is the cry of despair of a people driven to the wall, fighting for its very life. . . . . From the infested, typhus-ridden ghetto of Warsaw, from the death-block of Nazi-occupied lands where myriads of our people are awaiting execution by the slow or the quick method, from a hundred concentration camps which befoul the map of Europe . . . comes the cry: “Enough, there must be a final end to all this, a sure and certain end!”

Rabbi Silver challenged Jews to act. He didn’t fear to speak to the heart of men’s conscience or cower from concerns of what the Gentiles would think. He was a man of action and encouraged other Jews to be the same.

Are we going to take counsel here of fear of what this one or that one might say, of how our actions are likely to be misinterpreted; or are we to take counsel of our inner moral convictions, of our faith, of our history, of our achievements, and go forward in faith?

He called out the Gentile world for their indifference and he capitalized on a growing sentiment of latent American Zionism.

Abba Hillel Silver told a Zionist audience near the end of 1945 that “our six million dead are a tragic commentary on the state of Christian morality and the responsiveness of Christian conscience.” Had Great Britain and the United States been willing to grant Jewry the same “temporary refuge” accorded to prisoners of war, many lives might have been saved.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Although FDR was immensely popular amongst American Jews, Rabbi Silver rightly resented him for his callous handling of the plight of European Jewry. FDR on multiple occasions bypassed and stymied opportunities to save Jews from certain death. FDR’s public response to being asked if due to Kristallnacht he would consider opening immigration to German Jewry:

“That is not in contemplation. We have the quota system.”

Although FDR never officially commented on the Wagner-Rogers Bill, a proposal meant to rescue 20,000 Jewish children, his cousin Laura did make a revealing comment, testifying before Congress:

“20,000 charming children would all too soon grow into 20,000 ugly adults.” Laura Delano Houghteling.

The proposed legislation never made it to a vote. The MS St. Louis, a luxury liner, was refused harbor in Cuba. Her passengers were capable, educated, and professional German Jews. The incident drew quite a bit of attention. The challenge to FDR’s ‘benevolence’ was answered with an indirect antisemitic trope. At a press conference, he expressed concerns about potential “spies among refugees,” further fueling the narrative that Jewish refugees could be security threats. The St. Louis–with its educated German Jews – was sent back to Europe, to weather the Nazi storm.

Rabbi Silver understood how FDR was detrimental to efforts aimed at saving Jews by refusing to bomb Auschwitz or the train tracks leading to the death camps, curtailing immigration in the US and refusing to intervene on efforts to have England open the passage to Palestine. Brits preferred Jews burn in the ovens rather than unlock the gates to the Holy Land.

After FDR’s death, Republicans gained control of the Senate and House. Rabbi Silver, a Republican with close contacts to the national leadership, was on good terms with Senator Robert Taft from his home state of Ohio. At Silver’s urging, Taft and Senator Robert Wagner of New York, introduced a resolution in 1944, calling on Britain to open the gates to immigration of Jewish refugees to the Holy Land and permit establishment of “a free and democratic Jewish commonwealth”. FDR had the War Department inform Congress the recommendation “would be prejudicial to the successful prosecution of the war.” the Taft-Wagner resolution was shelved until 1945, after FDR’s passing, when the resolution was finally adopted. Rabbi Silver and Dr, Neuman promoted public opinion, actively lobbying politicians to secure support within Congress and the UN to vote for the establishment of a Jewish State.

On May 8, 1947, Rabbi Silver presented the case for a Jewish state before the General Assembly of the United Nations, which passed UN General Assembly Resolution 181. The main legal thrust of the resolution was to terminate the British Mandate and divide the territory into separate Jewish and Arab states, a recommendation the Arabs summarily rejected. Jewish rights as beneficiary of the Mandate continued in accordance with the UN Charter. The end of the Mandate on November 29,1947, effectively granted international recognition for the creation of the State of Israel.

In May 1948 Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, widely considered one of the architects of modern Israel, returned to the United Nations to announce that Israel had declared itself an independent state. In 1950, a poll conducted by the National Jewish Post named Abba Hillel Silver the leading figure of American Jewry. On January 20, 1953, Rabbi Silver gave the benediction at the inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

ZOA’s monumental work has been at the forefront of the establishment of the State of Israel, and through the years, has assembled a remarkable list of Presidents and dignitaries who have stood with ZOA to support their work in establishing, maintaining, and defending Israel and American Jewry. Nonetheless, membership has diminished over the years since the dynamic duo of Silver and Neumann, and the climactic official reunification of the Land and People of Israel.

Jews have a great compulsion to band together only at times of great peril. The compelling eras of 1956, 1967 and 1973 garnered much interest and support, but as Israel gained great independence and stability, the euphoria of closure on a two-thousand-year nightmare slowly faded. Diaspora Jews felt they were finally out of harm’s way. Gone were the sentiments, concerns, and loyalties of their elter Bubbes and Zaydies. Many highly educated American Jews lost their way becoming ignorant about the meaning of Judaism as a discipline meant to overcome base instincts, while fortifying community and family life.

Jewish secularism replaced religious authority with a secular value system of social justice, directed at promoting and repairing the world outside the Jewish community. The holy grail of Torah, Land and People were no longer prioritized, and their respect was at a premium. Intermarriage soared, interest in Jewish matters faded; Jews were melting into a comfortable secularism and many devolved into [nonpracticing] Jews by descent only. What was missing most was a means to provide a spark to reignite a spiritual familiarity that leads to contemplation and respect, as well as a leader who could be the catalyst to make the comfortable and complacent rise and triumph in contemporary Jewish life.

Morton Klein adds the Ferment

  PM Bibi Netanyahu and ZOA President Morton Klein


Mort Klein informs about Israel and the Arab-Islamist war against Israel and the West on the Mike Huckabee Show

In 1994, Morton Klein, an accomplished economist, academic, and prolific writer, became president of the ZOA. Morton is a feisty personality full of determination and courage in his advocacy, and has been extraordinarily effective in defending Israel, American Jewry, and in rebuilding the ZOA membership. Morton has an almost mythical history, one that legends are made of; he was reared in a culturally intact home with deep religious connections and an heir to Jewish afflictions, suffering and poverty. Born in a DP camp in Germany, to devout survivor parents: a saintly father, a Rabbi and scribe from a Satmar family who were murdered in Auschwitz, and a holy mother who by the grace of G-d bypassed the 97% decimation of Polish Jewry.

There is a pause in one’s heartbeat when one reads the details of Morton’s description of his saintly parents and pain caused by the recognition of the suffering of righteous Jews. Regarding his father:

He never recovered” from the nightmare of the Holocaust. “He lost eight siblings — “But he always kept Torah. He never lost his faith in God.”

Regarding his mother:

“She lost half her family,” “She is a religious woman,” “She had no material things, but she never complained. She was thrilled that she married a scholar, who kept Torah. That was the biggest thing that she could have done, and she did it.”

Born in a DP camp, raised by saintly Yiddish speaking Jews focused on Jewish continuity, Morton Klein encapsulates all of pre-Shoah life and brings it into the 21st century as a keen observer of Israel and American Jewish life. He is passionately invested in the battle for Jewish survival and ready to confront the current pitfalls we suffer from the Obama to Biden years, old enemies, and indifferent and subversive Jews. Major areas of concern are Iran and proxies, rampant Anti-Semitism, media bias, the social justice college industry, and Jewish education in Israel and at home. All are of grave importance for those working and praying for desperately needed paradigm shift towards Jewish continuity.

Morton Klein:

“There is a difference between being pro-Israel 30 or 40 years ago and now, because of the significant reduction in support for Israel around the world, and the country’s demonization by groups that promote lies against Israel, such as calling it a Nazi or apartheid state. For me, being pro-Israel means getting the truth out by being more active, calling radio shows, writing newspapers, lobbying Congress, and even lobbying our rabbis. The goal of the Arab state is the destruction of Israel, not only the establishment of a Palestinian state. We should make clear to our Jewish leaders the importance of speaking out about hatred and violence against Jews and Israel in Arab schools, media, and speeches.”

I, for one, welcomed his response to American Jewish criticism over the Otzma Yehudit party as well as, most recently, regarding President Trump’s alleged controversial comments at the IAC dinner.


“It’s strange, troubling and hypocritical that the Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee and the Israel Policy Forum condemned the technical merger of two small right-wing pro-Israeli political parties, Otzma Yehudit and Bayit Yehudi), but remained silent about mergers of anti-Israel Arab parties led by Arab Knesset members who oppose the Jewish state’s existence and engage in outright treacherous conduct, including assisting Palestinian Arab terrorists and inciting anti-Jewish terror.”

Regarding the IAC Dinner:

“I agree with him, We, Jews, are not supporting the people who are best for Jews in Israel. That’s a fact,” Klein said about Trump’s post, which accused American Jews of failing to support Israel and warned them to “get their act together … before it is too late!”

These comments are on target and a desperately needed reality check for an all-too complacent American Jewish and Israeli leadership center and left of center. Both tolerate and condone anything and everything, except for strong committed Jews, who they are willing to tear into vociferously in the public sector, but fail to speak up to oncoming dangers of Islamists and an ever increasingly leftist DNC.

Jews with a record of picking wrong sides in Lebanon and Gaza withdrawals, Oslo Accords, Obama and Biden presidential elections, Jerusalem and Golan recognition, cease fire in Gaza and coming down on a prime minister in the midst of a war, do not have enough credibility and should stay out of the fray. Whether those in leadership positions are aware or oblivious does not matter; they are not fit to serve our interests and are certainly not trustworthy to defend or prosper Jewish continuity.

ZOA Leads the Way Home

ZOA was instrumental in negotiations and implementation of the legal agreements of the San Remo Resolution, League of Nations Covenant, and British Mandate for Palestine. It actively lobbied members of Congress as well as international powers to ensure these agreements were upheld and facilitated Jewish immigration to Palestine.

As Americans, we can be proud that Israel provides a strategic American foothold in the region, sharing intelligence and technological advancements.

As Jews, gratitude is in order for the ZOA’s efforts to bring about establishment of the State of Israel and advocate for and protect diaspora Jews. Israel is a Jewish sanctuary and a fortress, manned by formidable defense forces ready to receive and defend beleaguered Jews at all times and places.

Weak leadership is symptomatic of the decline in Jewish education, detachment from spiritual meaning and traditional values, a decline which snowballs into a lack of commitment to the Jewish community. This is the state of most of American Jewry outside of the Orthodox sector. Whether inside or out of Israel it is the religiously committed Jews who are increasingly the new face of Judaism. They love the land and brave the war as soldiers with faith and determination to protect the homeland. They walk the earth as identifiable Jews, and their conservative values make them a perfect fit for the Republican party. Many of the faces surrounding Trump sport yarmulkes and are a fast-growing presence in the ZOA.

Let’s get Together at the ZOA

Who can join? All segments of the Jewish Community are welcome and there is great diversity among members and parties, so you can find your niche; the common denominator that all members share is the importance of standing together behind ZOA’s platform:

  • Strengthen U.S.-Israel relations: Through educational activities and other means
  • Strengthen Israeli sovereignty: Over Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley
  • Combat anti-Semitism: In the media, textbooks, travel guides, and on college campuses
  • Protect Jewish students: From intimidation, harassment, and discrimination on campus
  • Aid in the development of Israel: Through educational and cultural programs, and by founding the Kfar Silver school
  • Foster Jewish ideals

ZOA is the Right Organization, and Morton Klein is the Right Man for the Job.

Historically, ZOA was the rallying point on the road to Israel’s third commonwealth. Bold leadership lobbied and raised funds for critical assistance and to make Statehood a reality.

Today, Morton’s on target comments rock the boat of Jewish complacency and silence organizations who fail to keep their charge to protect Jewish interests. Morton Klein, as ZOA president, works industriously to man the most consequential post for American Jewry. He exemplifies Zionistic values boldly stating Israel’s positions.

Mort Klein presents ZOA’s Theodor Herzl Medallion to Pres. Donald Trump for his incredible pro-Israel policies at the ZOA Gala in NYC, 2022

Morton let all who are concerned with Israel’s character candidly know the Jewish State’s formidable restraint in dealing with deathly implacable enemies is unrivaled. He is a trusted leader advocating for American Jewry and Israel’s inalienable right to secure borders and self-defense.

Skyrocketing antisemitism, riots, and campus embattlements are plaguing us. Israel is at war and hounded in the UN and by the ICC. Our overall safety seems at risk, but do not fear strong forces with malintent, they can be managed when we take ownership of our responsibility to each other and work together to combat revisionist history and delusional goals of subversive Hamas supporters.

The Sages of Israel say, “There is no evil without good.”

Some good has come out of these challenging times; there are young Jews questioning for the first time what it means to be a Jew. The shift in public discourse and the rude awakening of peers foaming with latent Jew hatred is driving them to seek knowledge about their heritage and the connection between the Land, Torah and People. There is an uptick in interest and vigor toward new contributors to our common good. Those who want to increase their voice and strengthen their impact will find ZOA offers education, infrastructure, and the leadership to assert public discourse and effectively challenge policy.

Since October 7th, we as a people are in crisis mode and conscientious Jews know better than any time since the Shoah that participation is a necessity, not an option. A calling is on for all Jews to find common ground to stand for justice without pandering or groveling, to speak freely and unabashedly of Israel’s merits and virtues, to demand safety for American Jewry.

Let us internalize the horrors of our dead and wounded soldiers, languishing hostages, widows, and orphans and use pain as a catalyst for solidifying the cracks that divide us. Catch the waves of energy hurled against us and use them as an impetus to a resurgence of solidarity.

While we are still amid licking our wounds, there is no better time to band together than now.

ZOA is a choice advocate to defend our well-being in America and in Israel. Elections are held every five years. American Jews will vote for their delegates to the 39th World Zionist Congress. To increase my voice as a Zionist activist I have become a candidate on ZOA’s 2025 Coalition. To make your voice heard join and vote for the slate and candidate who best represents your values. Starting March 10th – May 4th, 2025, you are empowered to help direct the $1 billion funding, most important to Israel’s future.

Randy/Yisroel Settenbrino is the artist and developer of the Historic Blue Moon Hotel, The Sweet dreams Café and the Last Jewish Tenement Tours, His project was chosen by National Geographic as one of 150 in the Western Hemisphere. He writes on art, psychology, theology, and practical philosophy. He and his wife are also the proud parents of two IDF soldiers serving in Handasah Kravit.

Vote for ZOA Coalition Slate #15 at ZOA

This article was originally published in Israel Nation News-Arutz Sheva and can be viewed here.

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