Southern California InFocus
The largest Muslim newspaper in California
February 2008
Letters To The Editor
The legal action the Zionist Organization of America brought on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine never challenged the MSU’s right to express opposition to the policies of Israel (Probe Clears Muslim Group and UCI of Anti-Semitism, Jan. 8, 2008).
Our objections went to the rank anti-Semitism that the MSU engaged in, which the group tried to portray as legitimate political discourse about the Middle East conflict. The MSU sponsored speakers and programs that demonized Jews and Israel, falsely and absurdly compared them to Nazis, falsely accused Israel of perpetrating a holocaust, and justified suicide bombings and terrorism.
The MSU’s programs proclaim Palestinians have the right to self-determination, yet deny that the very same right belongs to the Jewish people. All of this is anti-Semitism, meaning hatred against Jews not just by the standards of Zionist groups as you call them, but also by those of the U.S. government.
The entire UCI community would be far better served if discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict could be conducted without resorting to lies and the incitement of hatred.
Susan B. Tuchman, Esq.
Director, Center for Law and Justice
Zionist Organization of America