Christians, Jews Unite for
James Hawver
Staff writer
Groups of Christians and Jews came together Sunday night to voice their support for the Israeli state and denounce those against its existence at the second annual Greater Rochester Night to Honor
Much more unites than divides the followers of both faiths, Robert Stearns, regional director of Christians United for Israel, told more than 1,500 people who gathered at the Bethel Christian Fellowship.
“We are here tonight to say that in the shadow of (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad, we will not be silent, we will stand with you,” he said.
Christians United for
With the 60th anniversary of the formation of the modern Israeli state approaching, there is no better time to honor and support the nation and its people, said Sharon Regev, consul for public affairs at the Consulate General of Israel in New York.
“This is a critical time for us,” Regev said, “but with your help and the support of people like you, we will not only survive, but we will thrive.”
Keynote speaker Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, said despite the efforts of many countries in the Middle East that denounce Israel, Jewish people will not yield to attacks.
“We Jews know that we will never be destroyed,” Klein said, “because the Bible says the Jews will be the eternal people and we believe it.”
Klein specifically called out Palestinian leaders, who he said preach hatred and murder. He said a Palestinian state would reward terrorism.