Category Multimedia
ZOA’s Klein Appears on Newsmax TV Discussing Trump

Click on image to access video Donald Trump plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — an official recognition by America of the Jewish state’s capital, Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, tells Newsmax TV. “His advisers who are friends of mine tell me that he […]

ZOA Israel Director Discusses Iran, ISIS, and PA/Israel on Radio Show

The Denice Gary Pandol Show: Special Guest Jeff Daube, Director of the ZOA in Jerusalem Exposes the Truth Surrounding the Palestinians and their Fight Alongside the Islamic State; What the U.S. Must do to Stop Iran; and, Terrorists Arrested in America’s Heartland  RADIO SHOW: APRIL 14, 2015 Written by D. L. Gary Pandol As the United States degrades Israel’s […]

ZOA Israel Director Jeff Daube’s TLV1 Radio Interview, ‘Bibi’s UN address’

All eyes were on New York as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his major address to the United Nations, which kind pundits called “vintage” and less generous observers called “warmed-over shtick.” Jeff Daube, Israel director of the Zionist Organization of America, says that Netanyahu was effective in sending a strong message, communicating to the world the […]