Category News
Former Fatah/P.A. Prime Minister Qurei Calls for One-State In Place of Israel

Ahmed Qurei, former prime minister (2003-5, 2005-6) of the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA), senior Fatah official, head of the PLO’s Department of Jerusalem Affairs, and former speaker of the Palestinian legislature, has called for a “one state solution” – the replacement of Israel by a single Arab/Muslim-dominated state.    In a recent article, Qurei wrote […]

Abbas’ PA Seeking Non-Member State Status in UN so It Can Pursue War Crimes Allegations against Israel through International Court

Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) is seeking non-state membership in the United Nations so that it may then apply to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for an investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes.    According to PLO observer at the UN, Riyad Mansour, Palestine can still pursue an investigation into possible Israeli war crimes during […]

ZOA Praises Netanyahu Govt. for Establishing Police Presence on Mount of Olives to Protect Ancient Jewish Cemetery

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Israeli government for establishing a police sub-station on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives is the site of a 3,000 year old Jewish cemetery going back to the period of the biblical First Temple. It is the burial ground of the biblical […]

ZOA Decries Most Recent Anti-Semitic Attack on Rutgers Student

The ZOA sent the following letter to Richard McCormick, the president of Rutgers University, after the Rutgers student paper, The Daily Medium, targeted and insulted a Jewish student, by falsely attributing to him an opinion piece in the Medium entitled “What About the Good Things Hitler Did?”  The piece mocked and trivialized the Holocaust. The […]

State Dept. Refuses to Recognize Jerusalem as Israeli Capital at Press Conference

ZOA Urges Clarification in Light of U.S. Law      State Dept. Refuses to Recognize Jerusalem as Israeli Capital at Press Conference     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the U.S. State Department to clarify that it recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in accordance with U.S. law, following a […]

ZOA Calls Upon Obama Admin. & Congress to Maintain Cut of U.S. Funds to UNESCO

Christian groups must speak out   ZOA Calls Upon Obama Admin. & Congress to Maintain Cut of U.S. Funds to UNESCO if it Registers Church of Nativity as Palestinian Site   NEW YORK, March 30, 2012 — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the Obama Administration and the Congress to maintain a […]

Saudi Mufti: Destroy Churches in Middle East–No International Protests

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to blood-curdling words spoken by the Saudi Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, who declared recently that is necessary to destroy all the churches of the region. In answer to a question from a Kuwaiti delegation regarding an announcement last month by a Member of Kuwaiti […]

ZOA Criticizes Extremist, Anti-Israel J Street for Falsely Claiming Israel Killed Palestinian Civilians

Kadima MK Schneller: Don’t Support JStreet      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the extremist, anti-Israel organization J Street, first, for falsely claiming that Israel killed “over a dozen” Palestinian civilians last week in military strikes targeting terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza, when in fact all of the 16 killed were terrorists, not […]

Egyptian Parliament: Israel is Enemy, Support Anti-Israel Terrorism, Refuse U.S. Aid

  As ZOA Expected, Egypt Becoming Foe of Israel & U.S.         As the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) predicted a year ago when the Mubarak regime was pushed from power in Cairo, Egypt has deteriorated into a hostile, Islamist state that is increasingly hostile to Israel and the U.S.   The […]

ZOA Calls on Pelosi Delegation in Egypt to Condemn Egyptian Parl. Call for Ending Peace Treaty & Designating Israel as an Enemy

  Message to Cairo: No U.S. Aid if This Occurs           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the Congressional delegation currently visiting Egypt, led by Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to raise the issue of the Egyptian parliament demanding the cutting of ties with Israel, to condemn […]