Category News
ZOA: Pres. Obama Should Rescind Invitation to Egypt’s Pres. Mursi Unless He Commits to Observe Israel Peace Treaty, Repudiate Muslim Brotherhood Platform Opposing Peace, Human Rights and U.S. Alliance

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Media Promotes False Message About ZOA-LA Federation Episode

  Concern Not About Talk’s Theme – About Muslim Threats   C. Glick: Jew Hatred Affects Muslim Policies       The media and blogosphere’s extensive coverage and description of an episode concerning the L.A. Jewish Federation and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) were shockingly false, inaccurate and truly shameful.   From the Jewish […]

ZOA Mourns Loss of Jewish Giant: Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) mourns the loss of a giant in Jewish and Israeli history, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.  PM Shamir was 96.  Mr. Shamir served as Prime Minister of Israel in 1983-84 and 1986-92 for seven years. Only David Ben-Gurion has served longer as the leader of the Jewish state.  In 1973, […]

New Polls Show Majority of Israelis Do Not Believe Pal. State Would Bring Peace, Want Jewish Communities in Judea/Samaria to Grow, Oppose Partial or Full Withdrawal

A new poll has shown that nearly three-quarters of Israelis – 73% – do not believe that establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel will end the Palestinian/Arab war on Israel. This represents a rise from last year’s figure of 64% of Israelis who do not believe in setting up a Palestinian state. The poll, undertaken […]

ZOA to Pres. Obama: Why Did Anti-Israel Preacher Serge Duss Visited Obama White House Four Times?

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is asking why a radically anti-Israel preacher and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist has been invited to the White House four times by the Obama Administration. Serge Duss, Director of the New Century Evangelicals project and who serves on the board of the New Evangelical Partnership (NEP), denies a Jewish historical […]

President Obama Calls Israeli Govt. “Extreme Right” Despite Israeli Concessions

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has taken issue with the description of the Israeli government offered by President Barack Obama to a Jewish group in which he was reported in the Jewish daily Forward as saying that the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu was “extreme right.”

ZOA Critical of Justice Department Ruling Supporting Iran

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Department of Justice’s backing of a court ruling preventing victims of Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorism from obtaining information about Iran’s U.S.-based assets so it may extract court-awarded damages from Iran.

ZOA: Arab MK Tibi’s Condemning Naming Space Center After Israeli Hero Ilan Ramon Shows Hatred of Jewish State

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to Israeli Arab Member of Knesset (MK) Ahmed Tibi’s recent condemnation of plans to name a new space center in in the north-central Arab village of Taybeh after Israeli Air Force (IAF) hero and astronaut Ilan Ramon as underscoring the fact that Tibi is not merely a […]

ZOA: U.S. Must Set Red Lines for Aid to Continue to New Islamist Egyptian Regime

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly urged the Obama Administration to lay down crucial red lines for the incoming Egyptian government following the Egyptian presidential elections that have seen the extremist, Islamist Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Muhammad Mursi, apparently win the vote.   ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The military regime that […]

Gaza Kindergartens Teach Children To Be “Jihad Fighters and Commanders,” Boys Say They Want To Carry Out ‘Martyrdom’ Operation on An Israeli Bus

A report produced by the Middle Eastern Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has assembled shocking evidence of the indoctrination of Palestinian children in Gaza kindergartens into being jihad terrorists.   An article on the website of the Al-Quds Brigades – founded as the military wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a designated U.S. terrorist organization – records […]