Category News
ZOA to President Obama: Condemn PLO Ambassador Statement – No Jews Allowed in Palestinian State

  Pal. state would be antisemitic & Racist   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged President Obama to condemn the recent statement by the PLO ambassador to the U.S., Maen Areikat, saying that any future Palestinian state it seeks with help from the United Nations and the U.S. should be free of Jews. […]

ZOA Praises President Obama For Commitment To Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid In U.N. Security Council

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised and thanked President Barack Obama for his public commitment to veto a Palestinian statehood bid if it reaches the United Nations Security Council. The commitment was made public by Wendy Sherman, the newly confirmed Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs during her Senate confirmation hearing this […]

World Must Oppose Turkey Laying Groundwork For Military Conflict With Israel

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called for world-wide opposition of the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan for laying the groundwork for a military conflict with Israel. As reported in the British Telegraph, “Turkey has set the stage for a potential naval confrontation with Israel by announcing that Turkish ships attempting to […]

ZOA Praises Orange County DA for Prosecuting Muslim Student Disrupters of Israeli Ambassador’s Speech at UC Irvine

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) commends Orange County, CA District Attorney Tony Rackauckas for proceeding with the prosecution of 10 Muslim students who shouted down Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren during his speech at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) on February 8, 2010.  The students are charged with one misdemeanor count of conspiracy […]

New Israel Fund Leader: “Disappearance of a Jewish State Would Not Be A Tragedy”

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has renewed its calls for American Jews to reconsider their support for the so-called New Israel Fund (NIF), following stunning revelations that the NIF Associate Director in Israel, Hedva Radovanitz, said that “she believed that in 100 years Israel would be majority Arab and that the disappearance of […]

ZOA Urges UC Berkeley To Cancel Honoring Israel-Basher Mary Robinson

New York, NY  (September 7, 2011) – In a letter sent last Friday to officials at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly urged the School to rescind its decision to honor Israel-basher Mary Robinson as a “2012 Public Health Hero” next March.  Robinson […]

ZOA Repudiates Fmr. Defense Sec. Gates’ Criticism of Israel

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has repudiated criticism made of Israel by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in which Mr. Gates claimed that Israel was an ungrateful ally. In an interview with The Atlantic’s leftwing Jeffrey Goldberg, Gates claimed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had been “impudent” to publicly explain to President Barack Obama […]

ZOA Appalled: Obama Again Omits Israel In His List Of Countries Suffering Terrorist Attacks

  Omitted Israel in 2008 speech         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is shocked and appalled that President Obama once again omitted Israel in his list of countries suffering from terrorist attacks. In the talking points issued by the Obama Administration for the forthcoming tenth anniversary of the Al-Qaeda September 11, […]

Two Weeks in Abbas’ P.A. – Official Calls Murder of Israelis a “Quality Operation” – PA TV: Western Wall Plaza to be Rebuilt As Arab Neighborhood When Israelis “Disappear”; Jewish Temple Described as “Alleged Temple”

  The Zionist Organization of America has pointed to several stunning examples of the continuing virulent hate propaganda and incitement to hatred and violence suffusing Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (PA) during the last two weeks. In this two week period,   ·         Adli Sadeq, the PLO ambassador to India, welcomed the August 18 terrorist attacks […]

ZOA Criticizes Quartet Statement, Calls For Quartet To Be Disbanded

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the statement issued this week by the Middle East Quartet (the U.S., the European Union, Russia and the United Nations) which failed to condemn actual, on-going recent violations by the Palestinian Authority (PA) of its signed obligations under the Oslo agreements to end terrorism and the […]