Category News
New Poll: Most U.S. Jews Oppose Palestinian State, Re-Dividing Jerusalem – Disapprove Obama’s Handling U.S./Israel Relations

  U.S. Jewry’s Positions in Line with ZOA           The 2011 American Jewish Committee (AJC) Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion has found for the first time that a majority of American Jews (55%) oppose the creation of a Palestinian state, whereas only 38% support its creation. In contrast, in the […]

Obama’s Rosh Hashanah Message – No Reference To ‘Jews,’ ‘Judaism’ Or Jewish Contribution To U.S. – Unlike Ramadan Message, Praising Islam And Muslim Contribution

Contribution The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has again raised the issue of President Barack Obama’s attitude towards Jews and Israel, following the latest presidential Rosh Hashanah Message, addressed strangely to “everybody,” and in which he never actually mentioned ‘Jews’ or ‘Judaism’ even once, referred to ‘Jewish tradition’ only once, and said nothing about the […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama’s Opposing Jews Building in S. Jerusalem – While Ignoring Palestinian Arab Construction

  Time to Drop Racist Policy Opposing Homes for Jews           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama for again opposing the announcement of a lawful, routine housing project for 1,100 homes in Gilo, a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem, while conspicuously ignoring continuous and massive Palestinian Arab […]

ZOA Expresses Concern About Credible Allegation Of Extortion of Israel By White House

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its concern about an allegation made publicly by the greatly respected Member of Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad.  Specifically, Dr. Eldad reports that the White House has demanded that the Israeli government proclaim its support for the continued funding by the international community of the Palestinian Authority […]

ZOA Criticizes P.A.’s Abbas’ Speech To UN As Nothing But Lies Proving His Disinterest In Peace

  Obama should criticize Abbas’s anti-peace, anti-Israel speech           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has denounced Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the United Nations General Assembly as yet more lies and deceit from the PA leader, serving a vicious, anti-peace, anti-Israel platform. This speech proves conclusively that […]

ZOA Applauds Verdict: 10 Muslim Student Disrupters of Israeli Ambassador’s Speech – Guilty

  One of Many Anti-Israel Actions By UCI Muslim Students           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praised the Orange County, CA jury who, last Friday, issued a verdict convicting 10 Muslim students for disrupting Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s speech at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) on February 8, 2010, […]

ZOA: Obama Supports Strong U.S./Israel Relations – Doesn’t Criticize Palest. Failure to Negotiate/Accept Jewish State/Hamas/PA Unity/Palest. Jew-Hatred

  Praises Obama for U.S. Delegation Walk-Out on Ahmadinejad’s UN Talk           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has noted appreciatively President Barack Obama’s remarks in his United Nations speech on the depth and strength of the U.S./Israeli relationship and his elaboration of the violent rejection and hatred that has been […]

New Poll: Americans Believe 75% – 15% That Palestinians Would Continue Campaign of Terror To Destroy Israel After Getting Statehood

  A new poll has shown that Americans believe by an overwhelming 75% to 15% that if Palestinians obtain statehood in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, they will continue their campaign of terror to destroy the Jewish state. The poll, conducted jointly by Democrat Pat Caddell and Republican John McLaughlin, also found that:    ·         71% […]

ZOA: A Palestinian State Would Be A Dangerous, Terrorist, Antisemitic, Racist State

Strategic dangers of creating a Fatah-dominated Palestinian state   ·        Embracing plans for creating a Palestinian state would require Israel handing over to Palestinian control not only eastern Jerusalem, with its holiest Jewish sites, but also all of Judea and Samaria, where over 500,000 Israeli Jews live, including the strategically vital Jordan Valley and the […]

ZOA to President Obama: Condemn PLO Ambassador Statement – No Jews Allowed in Palestinian State

  Pal. state would be antisemitic & Racist   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged President Obama to condemn the recent statement by the PLO ambassador to the U.S., Maen Areikat, saying that any future Palestinian state it seeks with help from the United Nations and the U.S. should be free of Jews. […]