Category News
ZOA Opposes Obama Admin. Funding Far-Left Israel Ad Campaign Urging Israelis To Make Deal With P.A.

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is opposing the Obama Administration for misusing funds earmarked for overseas development to finance an advertizing campaign designed to persuade Israelis and Palestinians to trust each other and make peace. The U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), which is supposed to help countries raise their living standards, has […]

ZOA Demands Time Magazine Apologize For Anti-Semitic/Misleading Cover/Article Entitled ‘Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace’

  Klein challenges author Vick / editor Stengel to a debate         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned TIME Magazine for the anti-Semitic and misleading cover/article in its September 13, 2010 issue, falsely claiming Israel doesn’t care about peace, while ignoring the reality of Palestinians having repeatedly rejected every extraordinary […]

Opposition To Mosque Near Ground Zero not ‘Islamophobia’

By Morton A. Klein, Dr. Daniel Mandel   In the debate surrounding the Cordoba mosque planned for a site near Ground Zero, one canard should be immediately knocked down: the idea that opposing this it is the result of ‘Islamophobia.’ ‘Islamophobia’ is a misleading term. Consider, terrorism carried out by Muslims, acting in the name […]

ZOA Condemns Planned 9/11 Quran-Burning In Florida

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the planned 9/11 Quran burning event organized by Pastor Terry Jones and his Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.   ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We condemn this proposed Quran burning. The ZOA has not and will not support or condone burning religious […]

On Day Peace Talks Begin – P.A. Officials Call For Israel’s Destruction & Honors Jew-Killers

  PA calls for war, accuses Israel of harvesting Palestinian organs         On the very day that Israel and Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) began negotiations in Washington, D.C., the PA ambassador to Iran, Salah Zawawi, said that the PA will continue its war on Israel until “the complete eradication of the […]

ZOA: After Murder Of 4 Israeli Jews, Reinstate Checkpoints/Close Roads

  Killers escaped through previously closed road       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu to cease forthwith the practice of ending road closures, removing checkpoints and other so-called ‘confidence-building measures’ for Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) after today’s terrorist attack near Hebron which resulted […]

ZOA To P.M. Netanyahu: After 10 Month Freeze, End Hardship To Jews – Allow Building As You Promised

  Freeze doesn’t promote peace – PA peace actions would           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to accede to international and U.S. pressure, for a continuation of the 10-month freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria which the Netanyahu government […]

Britain: Libya Celebrating Release Of Lockerbie Terrorist “Offensive and deeply insensitive” – Yet Britain Is Silent On PA Honoring Released & Deceased Terrorists

Clinton calls for Lockerbie terrorists to serve out sentence – why not Palestinian terrorists?         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has drawn attention to Britain’s condemnation of Libyan celebrations for the 2009 release of convicted Lockerbie bombing terrorist Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi as “tasteless, offensive and deeply insensitive,” asking why the British […]

ZOA: Mideast Peace Talks Have Virtually No Chance Of Success

 Unless PA ends incitement, recognizes Jewish state, etc.      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) believes that Israeli-Palestinian direct negotiations, due to commence on September 2, under the auspices of the Obama Administration, has virtually no chance of success without at a minimum there being a single Palestinian entity capable of speaking for Palestinian […]

New Poll – 60% of Americans Regard Israel as an Ally, 4% as an Enemy

A new survey has found that 60% of Americans regard Israel as an ally, as against a mere 4% of Americans who regard it as an enemy and 31% who regard it as something in-between. The survey, conducted by Rasmussen Reports, also found that 34% of Americans believe that, in one year from now, the […]