Category News
Abbas’ Fatah/P.A. Libels Israel & U.S. for Having Poisoned Arafat

Latest Fatah/P.A. anti-U.S. statements    The Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) of Mahmoud Abbas is continuing in recent weeks to propagate the libel that Israel and the U.S. murdered Yasser Arafat by poisoning through statements of PA officials, clerics academics and publicists. Last week, Khaled Mismar, member of the PLO’s Palestinian National Council claimed in the […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama Admin. For Sending Islamist Terror Apologist Rauf To Speak For The U.S. Overseas – & Denying He Will Fund-raise

Hamas’ Zahar supports Rauf’s mosque near Ground Zero   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Obama Administration for sending abroad to speak on behalf of the U.S. Imam Faisal Rauf, the extremist, anti-U.S., pro-Hamas apologist who is also planning to construction a mosque 600 yards from Ground Zero, site of the 9/11 […]

Abbas’ Fatah/P.A. Celebrates 1978 Coastal Road Massacre Of 37 Israelis – Worst Palestinian Terror Attack

  More PA youth camps named after terrorist Mughrabi         The Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA), presided over by Fatah co-founder Mahmoud Abbas, recently publicly celebrated the 1978 coastal road massacre carried out by Fatah terrorists led by Dalal Mughrabi, in which 37 Israelis, including a dozen children, were murdered. The Pa has […]

ZOA Praises U.S. House Members Lowey, Cantor, Berman & Ros-Lehtinen For Blocking Military Aid To Lebanon Following Hizballah Assault

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised U.S. Members of Congress Nita Lowey (D-NY), Eric Cantor (R-VA), Howard Berman (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) for blocking $100 million in U.S. aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), following Hizballah’s unprovoked assault upon Israel from across the Lebanese border on August 5. The Hizballah […]

Two More U.S. Congress Members Join Colleagues In Urging Education Department To Protect Jewish Students From Harassment

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises U.S. Reps. Michael E. McMahon (D-NY) and Gary C. Peters (D-MI) for urging the Department of Education to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment and intimidation.  In a letter sent yesterday to U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Reps. McMahon and Peters joined three dozen other Members of […]

ZOA: Don’t Increase Pain To Families Of 9/11 Victims Of Islamist Terror By Building Mosque Led By Extremist, Anti-U.S., Pro-Hamas Imam

Supports ADL & Simon Wiesenthal Center’s opposition to Ground Zero mosque       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called for the Ground Zero Cordoba Mosque under extremist, anti-U.S., pro-Hamas Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, being planned 600 feet from the scene of the 9/11 Islamist terrorist attack which murdered 3,000 Americans, not to […]

Palestinians Refuse To Accept Israel Within Any Borders

  Last week, a small item of news shed piercing light on the reason for the intractability of the Arab war on Israel. The well-known 1970s disco group, Boney M, invited by the Palestine International Festival to give a concert in Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled Ramallah, was pressured to drop performing one of its signature hit […]

ZOA Praises UC President Yudof For Urging Jewish Leaders To “Hold Our Feet To The Fire” On Campus Anti-Semitism

Yudof:  We’ll Condemn Bigotry As “Horrible”       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today praised Mark Yudof, President of the University of California (UC), for comments he made in the August 2010 issue of the Orange County Jewish Life magazine.  President Yudof commended Jewish communal leaders who have been dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism […]

Palestinian Festival Disallows Hit Disco Song Discussing Jewish Homeland

    The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the recent demand of the Palestinian International Festival that the well-known disco group Boney M, invited by the Festival to give a concert in Ramallah, not perform one of its signature hit songs, ‘Rivers of Babylon.’ Since its inception in 1994, the Palestinian Authority […]

ZOA to UC President Yudof: Individuals Hostile to Jews or Israel Don’t Belong on UC Advisory Council Against Bigotry

In a letter sent yesterday to Mark Yudof, President of the University of California, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) criticized the composition of a newly-established Advisory Council, which President Yudof convened to address bigotry and intolerance on University of California (UC) campuses.  Not one member of the Advisory Council has any demonstrable expertise in […]