Category News
ZOA Praises Democrats Schumer, Koch & Marty Peretz For Criticizing Obama’s Pressure On Israel

Schumer: Don’t force Israel to make concessions       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Democrats Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), former New York Mayor, Ed Koch, and New Republic Editor-in-Chief  Marty Peretz for their courageous and forthright criticism of the Obama Administration’s pressure on and hostility towards Israel.   In a detailed […]

New Poll: Overwhelming Majority Of American Jews Don’t Support Obama’s Policy Towards Israel

 Only 35% of Americans approve      A new poll has shown that neither Americans as a whole nor American Jews approve of President Barack Obama’s policy towards Israel and the Palestinians. A Quinnipiac University survey released yesterday shows that 44% of the American public disapprove of the Obama policy towards Israel and the Palestinians, […]

Hundreds Of ZOA Activists On Capitol Hill Saying: Crippling Sanctions On Iran & Stop Pressuring Israel

 Over 30 House Members & Senators spoke at ZOA luncheon     Hundreds of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) activists from 19 states, including dozens of students, took part in ZOA’s annual activist Mission to Washington, D.C., on April 21 to urge Members of Congress to support  legislation for immediately imposing new, robust sanctions upon […]

“Moderate” Palestinian P.M. Fayyad Calls For Release Of Palestinian Terrorists

Palestinian Authority (PA) prime minister Salam Fayyad, often widely and wrongly described as a moderate and pragmatist, has called for the mass release of Palestinian terrorists jailed by Israel. If acted upon, such a mass release would let loose hundreds of seasoned terrorists, whose murderous acts Fayyad has previously found himself unable to condemn. At […]

New Poll: Only 42% American Jews Say They Would Vote Again For Obama

  A new poll of American Jewish opinion, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, has produced a surprising result: despite the fact that American Jews voted for Barack Obama in 2008 by a massive 78% to 21%, today a plurality of 46% of American Jews say they would consider voting for someone else if Barack Obama […]

New Poll: Large Majority Of American Jews Oppose Dividing J’lem & Believe Arab Goal Is Israel’s Destruction

Increasing opposition to establishing a Palestinian state         A new survey has found that a large majority of American Jews – 61% to 35% – are opposed to Israel giving up any part of Jerusalem, even within “the framework of a permanent peace,” while an overwhelming majority – 75% to 20% – […]

New Poll: 67% Of Palestinians Reject Statehood If It Means End Of Claims Against Israel

 78% reject Israel keeping any part of Jerusalem         A new poll of Palestinians opinion in Judea, Samaria and Gaza has found that more than two-thirds of Palestinians – 67% – reject the creation of a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 armistice lines with some land exchange if it means an end […]

What A Contrast – Obama Admin. “Condemns” Israel For Building Homes – “Respects” Karzai After Threat To Join Taliban

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) was appalled that while the Obama administration “condemned” Israel’s announcement of building homes in eastern Jerusalem as an “insult” and “affront” to the U.S., it soft pedaled and barely criticized Afghan President Hamid Karzai after he threatened to “join the Taliban,” and warmly welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in […]

ZOA Condemns Sec’y Clinton For Whitewashing Abbas’ P.A. By Falsely Stating Only Hamas Glorified Terrorist

ZOA urges Clinton to correct this falsehood       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for whitewashing Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) by falsely stating that the recent Palestinian ceremony honoring terrorist Dalal Mughrabi was organized only by Hamas, not Fatah or the PA. […]

ZOA: Obama Shows He’s No Friend Of Israel By Disgraceful Action Toward PM Of The Jewish State

 Obama actions are an insult and affront to all Jews         Reports and editorials from around the world state that President Obama treated Prime Minister Netanyahu of the Jewish state of Israel in a disgraceful and unwarranted manner.   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly condemns President Obama for his behavior […]