Category News
ZOA Supports Israeli MKs’ Petition To Boycott British Goods Unless Britain Rescinds Labelling Products From Judea/Samaria & Golan

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is supporting a petition signed by 39 Members of the Knesset calling upon the Israeli public to reconsider availing themselves of British goods and services in response to a recent British government initiative to recommend to all U.K. retail chains the placing of prominent labels indicating products imported […]

ZOA Condemns British Judge’s Arrest Warrant For Israeli Leaders — Demands Britain End Legal Outrage

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the British judge who issued an arrest warrant for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni ahead of a planned visit to London. It has called upon the British government to act immediately to pass legislation to end the legal outrage whereby judges have discretion to issue arrest […]

Zionist And Philanthropy Giant Sheldon Adelson Receives Herzl Gold Medallion At ZOA Dinner On December 13, 2009

 PM Netanyahu, Deputy PM Yaalon, Minority Whip Cantor speak       The Zionist Organization of America is proud to announce that Mr. Sheldon G. Adelson was the recipient of its supreme, rarely bestowed, historic Zionist award “the Theodor Herzl Gold Medallion.” Mr. Adelson is the Chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation with […]

Cited Evidence from the ZOA: ZOA Praises Cong. Sherman for Urging Gov’t Investigation into Galloway/Viva Palestina’s Hamas Connection, and UC Irvine Probe into Muslim Student Group’s Possible Pro-Terror Actions

   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) applauds U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, for calling on Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Douglas Shulman to investigate the activities of George Galloway, a radical Israel-bashing member of […]

ZOA Praises Knesset Law Proposal Requiring Israeli Groups Receiving Foreign Govt Funding To Register As Foreign Agents

Groups incl. Peace Now, ACRI, Breaking Silence, BTZELEM       The Zionist Organization of America has praised the initiative of Minister Michael Eitan (Likud) for convening a conference in the Knesset 2 days ago, entitled “Foreign Government Funding for Political Activity in Israel”  At the conference, co-sponsored by two research organizations and attended by […]

Peace Now To Be Investigated For Being An Unregistered Agent Of Foreign Governments

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has drawn attention to efforts by a Philadelphia attorney, Lee Bender, to have the U.S. Justice Department investigate the far-left organization, Peace Now, as being an unregistered agent of foreign governments. This move follows reports that the Norwegian government has given Peace Now millions of Kroner over the […]

Egyptian Doctors Bar Israeli Doctors From Conference — Accuse Israel Of Stealing Arab Body Parts

Abbas’ PA continues to propagate this blood libel       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the obscene blood libel repeated by the Egyptian Medical Syndicate that Israeli doctors participate in torture of Palestinians and the stealing of Arab body parts. A report in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ayyam said, “The head of […]

Zionist And Philanthropy Giant Sheldon Adelson Will Receive Herzl Gold Medallion At ZOA Dinner On December 13, 2009

 PM Netanyahu, Yaalon, Cantor to Speak         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is proud to announce that it will present to world-renowned businessman and pro-Israel philanthropist Sheldon G.  Adelson its most distinguished and historic award, the Theodor Herzl Gold Medallion for outstanding achievement in Zionism.  The ZOA Dinner will be held […]

ZOA Criticizes J.N.F. For Donating 3,000 Trees To Palestinian Authority

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Jewish National Fund (JNF) following reports that the organization, established by Jews and for Jews to rebuild Jewish national life in the biblical home of the Jewish people, has donated 3,000 trees to the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) of Mahmoud Abbas for a new city near […]

P.A. Security Chief Says Israel Recruits Palestinians To Sexually Harass Their Mothers & Sisters

  The Palestinian Authority (PA) security chief, Tewfik Al-Tirawi, has claimed on Arabic television that Israel recruits Palestinians to sexually harass their own mothers and sisters as part of a comprehensive strategy to harm Palestinians.   In an interview on Abu Dhabi television, Al-Tirawi said:   “We in the occupied land, the people under occupation, […]