Category News
ZOA Condemns UNRWA For Anti-Israel Propaganda Piece On Israel’s Military Operation In Gaza

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the U.N. body charged with protecting Palestinian refugees of the 1948-49 and their descendants, for sponsoring a propaganda production in the form of a one-man play describing Israel’s shelling of an UNWRA warehouse in Gaza during Israel’s military operations […]

P.A. Still Teaching Palestinian Children That All Israel Is “Occupied Palestine”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to continuing evidence within Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) of indoctrinating Palestinian children to view all of Israel, even within the pre-June 1967 armistice lines, as “occupied Palestine.” As the latest, routine example of this, last month, PA TV included the following exchange between the program’s […]

Extremist Left-Wing J Street Drops “Pro-Israel” Slogan – J Street Speaker Calls Criticism Of Iranian Diplomacy “Racist”

 J Street crowd boos Goldstone critic, cheers refusal to criticize Farrakhan         The extremist left-wing lobby group, J Street, which has repeatedly described itself as a “pro-Israel, pro-peace” organization” has decided that its younger, university activists should drop the “pro-Israel” part of their slogan. The decision was made at J Street’s inaugural […]

ZOA To President Obama: Rescind Appointment Of Anti-Israel, Anti-Iran Sanctions Fmr. Sen. Hagel To Intelligence Panel

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to rescind his appointment of retired anti-Israel, anti-Iran sanctions Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. Hagel, has who will co-chair the Board, has a long and troubling record of hostility to Israel which has been criticized by […]

Israeli Peace Now Chairman Banned From Knesset For Illegal Actions

The Knesset has banned Peace Now chairman Yariv Oppenheimer after he ordered three Peace Now activists to illegally pose as students while entering the Knesset for the purpose of interviewing Members of Knesset (MKs). Oppenheim has admitted he sent the three Peace Now activists to pose as students conducting interviews with right-of-center MKs for the […]

Likud MK Danon: Criminalize Peace Now’s Political Activities, Including Foreign Govt Funding

Israeli Member of the Knesset, Danny Danon (Likud) has announced plans to criminalize the political activities of the Peace Now organization and others of its kind. Danon says he is working on legislation that would prohibit all organizations funded by foreign governments from engaging in political activity inside Israel. Peace Now is heavily funded by […]

ZOA: Egypt Barring Israeli Cancer Researchers From Conference Latest In A Series Of Egyptian Anti-Peace, Anti-Israel, Anti-Jewish Acts

Only intense, last minute pressure caused Egypt to change its stance        The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), following Egypt’s barring of Israeli cancer researchers from attending a program and workshops in Alexandria (reversed by Egypt at the eleventh hour after protest), has pointed to this being but the latest in a long […]

ZOA Praises U.N. Amb. Rice Calling For End To “Anti-Israel Vitriol,” Opposing U.N. Action On Goldstone Report, But Oppose Her Not Holding P.A. Accountable

 ZOA: Oppose Rice asking Israel for more risk-taking     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, for calling upon UN members to “replace anti-Israeli vitriol with recognition of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist in peace and security.” At the same time, however, ZOA was critical […]

UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Group Lies, Attacks And Threatens ZOA, ADL, Other ZOA “Affiliates,” Seeking To Silence Us – But Does Not Refute ZOA’s Charges Of Wrongdoing

UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Group Lies, Attacks And Threatens ZOA, ADL, Other ZOA “Affiliates,” Seeking To Silence Us – But Does Not Refute ZOA’s Charges Of Wrongdoing   In response to the troubling concerns that the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) recently raised about the questionable and disturbing conduct of the Muslim Student Union at […]

ZOA Praises P.M. Netanyahu For Taking Steps To Help Gush Katif Evacuees

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for taking long-overdue steps to assist people uprooted from Gaza by the unilateral withdrawal undertaken by the Sharon government in 2005, in particular, the former residents of Gush Katif. Doron Ben Shlomi, head of the Council for Gush Katif Evictees, […]