Category News
ZOA Mourns Death Of Gary Tobin — Praises His Work Exposing Anti-Semitism/Anti-Israelism In U.S. Schools

              The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) mourns the death of Dr. Gary A. Tobin, a scholar, researcher and educator on current issues of concern to the Jewish community, including anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism in American schools and on college campuses.  The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that Dr. Tobin died late Monday at age 59.  […]

ZOA: Construction Freeze Doesn’t Bring Peace – PA Ending Terror & Incitement, Accepting Jewish State Does

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) notes with great concern the statement of U.S. Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) claiming that Israel will agree to a freeze on Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. The ZOA vigorously opposes any such step and urges Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu to categorically reject any freeze […]

ZOA Criticizes French President Sarkozy’s Interference In Israeli Affairs By Having Urged Netanyahu To Sack FM Lieberman

 Sarkozy also demands removing Jews from Judea/Samaria & dividing J’lem         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, for blatantly interfering in Israeli internal affairs by urging visiting Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to replace Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman with another figure more acceptable to European […]

Washington Post’s Jackson Diehl: Obama Should End Pressure On Israel

  Obama policy makes Palestinian compliance even less likely        The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has noted the powerful opinion piece yesterday by the left-leaning Washington Post columnist Jackson Diehl, entitled, ‘End the Spat with Israel,’ in which Mr. Diehl argues that the Obama Administration has painted itself into a corner by […]

PA TV: Abbas’ Fatah Brags It Commits More Anti-Israel Terror Than Hamas

  Fatah Condemns Hamas Decrease In Terror Attacks On Israel       The Palestinian Authority (PA) presided over by Fatah co-founder Mahmoud Abbas, frequently described as moderate peace-seekers, recently broadcast on PA-controlled TV an event in which Fatah bragged of committing more terrorist acts against Israelis than Hamas. The broadcast included a mock debate […]

Rasmussen Poll – Americans Believe 81% To 7% That Palestinians Should Accept Israel As A Jewish State

  73% of Americans believe Israeli land concession won’t solve conflict     A new poll has shown that more than 4 out of 5 Americans – 81 percent – agree with the demand  made by the Netanyahu government believe that that Palestinian leaders should acknowledge Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, as […]

New Poll – Only 6% Of Israelis Consider Obama Pro-Israel

 69% of Israelis oppose freezing construction in major Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria         A new poll has shown that found that only a tiny minority of Israelis – 6 percent – regard the Obama Administration to be pro-Israel, whereas 50 percent believe it to be pro-Palestinian. When asked their opinion […]

New Poll – Americans Believe By 66% – 22% That Palestinian State Will Not Bring Peace

  57% of Americans think Israel needs to retain territory      A new poll conducted by The Israel Project has found that Americans overwhelmingly reject (66 percent) the idea that Israeli support for establishing a Palestinian state and stopping the expansion of Jewish settlements will bring lasting peace to the region, whereas only 22 percent […]

ZOA Praises Senator Menendez’ Senate Speech Debunking Hostile Myths About Israel & Zionism

Menendez: Shoah not the reason behind Israel’s founding”       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) for an impressive and knowledgeable speech he delivered this week in the U.S. Senate, entitled ‘Acknowledging Israel’s History,’ which debunked several fallacies and falsehoods surrounding Israel and the Jewish people claim to […]

Poll: Israelis Support Netanyahu’s Repudiation Of President Obama’s Demands

  A new poll has shown that a majority of the Israeli public supports Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s repudiation of President Barack Obama’s demand that Israel freeze all Jewish construction and growth in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem by 56 percent to 37 percent. The poll, carried out by the Maagar Mohot Survey Institute headed […]