Category News
Top Israeli Arab Journalist: U.S. & World Funding For Palestinians Will Not Moderate Palestinians

  Top Israeli Arab journalist, the Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh, has criticized the U.S. and the European governments for pouring billions of dollars into the Palestinian Authority (PA) regime of Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas in the hope of “empowering the moderates and undermining the radicals” among the Palestinians. Toameh said that, in the aftermath of […]

ZOA To President Obama: Do Not Deal With Nazi-Like Hamas

  Requested Hamas Pledges As Worthless As Arafat’s Pledges     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to remain faithful to his pledge before and since being elected President not to deal with the Nazi-like, anti-American Hamas, the Palestinian Arab terrorist group dedicated in its Charter to the destruction […]

Israeli Minister: Nearly 70 Percent Of Released Hamas Terrorists Return To Murdering Israelis

  Haim Ramon, a member of the Ministerial Committee on Security Prisoners, said yesterday regarding negotiations with Hamas over the freeing Hamas terrorists from Israeli jails that two-thirds of Hamas prisoners released in the past had returned to terror and murdered many Israelis. (‘Israeli Minister: “Two-Thirds of Freed Hamas Prisoners Returned to Terror and Murdered […]

Fatah Official: Abbas’ Fatah Doesn’t Recognize Israel

  Muhammad Dahlan, a senior leader of the Fatah party, which controls the Palestinian Authority (PA) and was co-founded by its current head, PA president Mahmoud Abbas, has openly acknowledged that Fatah does not accept Israel’s existence and has in fact never recognized the Jewish state. Dahlan, who commanded Fatah forces in Gaza until Fatah’s […]

Chas Freeman’s Falsehoods On C.N.N. About Himself And ZOA – Refuted

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has responded to the continuation of false statements by Chas W. Freeman, who withdrew from his appointment as chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), regarding the ZOA and his own record of extreme anti-Israel hostility and support for tyrannical regimes like China and Saudi Arabia. The ZOA had […]

Poll: Palestinians Support Terror Attacks Inside Israel 54% To 42%

   Israelis: Until Terror Stops – No Talks With PA       A new joint Israeli-Palestinian poll has shown that a clear majority of Palestinians – 54 percent – support terror attacks upon Israelis inside Israel, as opposed to only 42 percent who oppose such attacks. The poll, jointly conducted by the Harry S. […]

Sec’y Clinton Aids Hatred Of Israel On PA TV By Not Rebutting Question Claiming Repressive Israel Rule

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed criticism and concern that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview on a Palestinian Authority (PA) TV teen show, accepted the false premise of her teenage interviewer that Palestinians live under Israeli occupation without freedom and liberty, thereby helping to legitimize a false basis […]

ZOA And OU Join With Sponsoring Organizations And Synagogues In Massive Purim Campaign In Support Of Sderot Children And Israeli Soldiers

  The Zionist Organization of America and the Orthodox Union, along with ZOA-Israel and OU-Israel, have mounted a multifaceted Purim initiative to demonstrate support for residents of Sderot and the Western Negev, and the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. They are supported in this massive effort by The Jerusalem Great Synagogue, Emunah Women, Beit […]

ZOA Criticizes Secy. Clinton For Supporting Illegally Built Arab Homes In E. J’lem — But Opposing Legally Built Jewish Homes There

  Clinton Condemns Israel’s “Violations” – Not Palestinians’ –  Ignores Palestinian Incitement      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for demanding that Israel stop demolishing illegally built Palestinian Arab homes in eastern Jerusalem, while strongly opposing legally built Israeli/Jewish homes in eastern Jerusalem as “unhelpful” to peace […]

ZOA: $900 Million U.S. Aid To Hamas-Controlled Gaza & Palestinian Authority A Mistake, Will Aid Hamas Terror War

    U.S. Aid Despite Continuing Rocket Attacks      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has described the decision of the Obama Administration to give $900 million or more in U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Hamas-controlled Gaza and Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) a mistake that will enhance the ability of Hamas to wage its […]