Category News
New Poll: 4% Of Israelis Say Obama Is Pro-Israel – 51% Say He Is Pro-Arab

  A new poll has shown that only 4% of Israelis now believe that President Barack Obama’s policies are pro-Israel, as against 51% who regard them as pro-Arab – a ratio of 13 to 1 (Gil Hoffman, ‘4% of Israelis say Obama pro-Israel,’ Jerusalem Post, August 27, 2009).   The 4% figure marking a new […]

ZOA Submits Brief To Supreme Court Supporting U.S. Terror Victim

ZOA SUBMITS BRIEF TO SUPREME COURT SUPPORTING U.S. TERROR VICTIM The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has submitted an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of a petition for Court review filed by the parents of David Boim, a victim of Palestinian Arab terrorism. The brief was […]

ZOA Expresses Condolences On The Death Of Senator Ted Kennedy

                The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) expressed its condolences to the family and friends of U.S. Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy of Massachusetts, who died Tuesday night following a courageous battle with brain cancer.  He was 77 years old.               Senator Kennedy had a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Senate […]

ZOA Praises Huckabee’s Opposition To Palestinian State In Judea/Samaria/Gaza

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised former Arkansas governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for his opposition to a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza and for supporting the right of Jews to live in those territories. Huckabee, who is regarded as a potential Republican presidential candidate for 2012, […]

ZOA Deplores Yale University Press For Not Publishing Book With Muhammad Cartoons

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has deplored as an ill-conceived and craven surrender to fear of Islamist violence the decision made by Yale University Press to discard from a forthcoming book images of the cartoons of Muhammad first published in 2005. The book by professor of politics at Brandeis University, Jytte Klausen, The […]

Abbas’ PA Continues To Demonize Jews, Calls Jewish State A Danger To Whole World, Denies Jewish Connection To Western Wall

  Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to demonize Jews and disseminate vile, anti-Jewish propaganda. The official PA news agency in recent days attacked the idea of a Jewish state as a danger to the whole world.  A prominent PA academic, Shamekh Alawneh, denied in a PA TV interview the existence of any Jewish connection […]

ZOA Condemns World Archaeological Congress for Excluding Israel from its Ramallah Conference

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the World Archaeological Congress (WAC) for convening its conference (held in Palestinian Authority-controlled Ramallah) for excluding Israel, one of the world’s most prominent countries containing major archeological sites of world significance. According to reports, the WAC conference, entitled ‘Overcoming Structural Violence,’ did not invite the Israel Antiquities […]

Israel’s Self-Inflicted Woes

        Israel’s self-inflicted woes Aug. 10, 2009DANIEL MANDEL   When foreign pressure mounts on Israel, Israelis, still an embattled people, tend rightly to criticize those applying the pressure. Yet they often neglect their own role in stimulating a climate of foreign pressure. The Oslo process greatly augmented this ruinous pattern. Today, Israel […]

New Poll: Majority Of Jewish Democrats Oppose Obama’s Pressure On Israel, Don’t Believe Palestinians Want Peace, Don’t Support Construction Freeze

  A new poll reveals that American Jewish Democrats disagree with the Obama Administration’s approach toward Israel and the Palestinians.  On July 22-24, 2009, Global Marketing Research Services conducted a poll of 500 American Jews who identified themselves as Democrats.  Fifty-five percent believe that “President Obama is naïve in thinking that the Palestinians would make […]

U.S Consulate General in Jerusalem Must Correct Perceived Bias Against Israel

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is calling on the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem to revamp its Web site so that it contains information about Israelis and Israel, which is where the Consulate General is located.  Presently, the Consulate General’s Web site contains information exclusively about the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Palestinians – even […]