Category News
ZOA Critical of Secretary Clinton’s Pressure on Israel to Expedite Aid into Hamastan/Gaza

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is critical of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s strong public pressure on Israel to expedite the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza and claiming that Israel was foot-dragging on the issue. A senior US official was quoted as telling Israeli authorities “Israel is not making enough effort to improve […]

Whose View Of Islam Do You Trust: Pa. Professors Or Pa. Police?

Whose View Of Islam Do You Trust: Pa. Professors Or Pa. Police? By Leonard Getz & Steve Feldman, For The Bulletin, Philadelphia Published: Thursday, February 26, 2009  Which Pennsylvania institution do you think is doing the better job educating its students about Islam, West Chester University or the Municipal Police Officer Education & Training Commission?  The answer […]

ZOA: U.S. Should Leave Durban II Racism Conference Proceedings Without Delay

    Reports that U.S. fighting anti-Israel agenda untrue      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), amid mounting concerns at the shamelessly anti-Semitic and anti-Israel tenor of the preparatory talks in Geneva for the United Nations Durban II World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, due in April, has called upon […]

Poll: 54% Of Israelis Would Have Favored Continuing Gaza Operation

    A new poll has shown that a majority of Israelis – 54 percent – would have favored continuing with Israel’s December-January military operations against Hamas in Gaza. The operations ended in a ceasefire that has seen Hamas survive as the controlling authority in Gaza and its missiles continue to strike southern Israeli towns. […]

ZOA To President Obama: Don’t Appoint Anti-Israel, Pro-Arab Lobbyist Chas Freeman To Head National Intelligence Council

    ZOA: One Of The Most Anti-Israel Ever       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed shock and deep concern at President Barack Obama’s invitation to anti-Israeli former diplomat and pro-Arab lobbyist Chas W. Freeman Jr. to be Chairman of the National Intelligence Council and has called upon the President to […]

ZOA: Cong. Ackerman’s Statements On Israeli “Intransigence” & Settler “Pogroms” Are Inaccurate, Hurtful & Counterproductive

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has taken issue with U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Chairman of the House of Representatives Middle East Subcommittee, for inaccurately using the terms “Israeli intransigence” and “settler pogroms.” Rep. Ackerman wrongly blamed “Israeli intransigence” and the existence of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, along with Palestinian terrorism, […]

ZOA Calls On Major Sport Teams To Publicly Condemn & Boycott Dubai Tennis Tournament Following Barring Of Israeli Tennis Player

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the denial of entry to Dubai for Israeli tennis player, Shahar Pe’er, who was to compete in next week’s Barclay’s Dubai Tennis Championships.  Dubai does not permit Israeli citizens to set foot on Dubai‘s soil.   The Women’s Tennis Association (WTA), the governing body of women’s […]

ZOA Criticizes PA’s Abbas For Saying: “We Are Not Asking Hamas To Recognize Israel”

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas, for saying that his Fateh-dominated PA is not asking Hamas, which ejected Fateh from Gaza in 2007 and rules that territory, to recognize Israel. Speaking at a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, Abbas said in the course of asserting […]

ZOA: Israeli Electorate Gives Majority To Right-Of-Center Parties, Opposed To Concessionary Policies

   Meretz Leader: “Left-wing was hit hard”     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has greeted the results of Israeli 2009 elections as strongly indicating that the Israeli public opposes further one-sided concessions towards unreconstructed, terror-supporting Arab negotiating partners.   Final results are as follows: Kadima (28), Likud (27), Yisrael Beiteinu (15), Labor (13), […]

American Jewish Leaders Critical Of Vatican On Rehabilitation Of A Holocaust Denying Bishop — But No Criticism Of Holocaust Denying Mahmoud Abbas

  American Jewish leaders are scheduled to meet this Thursday with Pope Benedict XVI to discuss the recent controversy produced by the Pope’s January 24 decision to rescind the 1988 excommunication of a bishop who denies the Holocaust. Yet American Jewish leaders continue to remain silent about Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ own extensive and […]