Category News
Sen. Hillary Clinton’s Troubling Transformation

  Sen. Hillary Clinton’s Troubling Transformation by Morton KleinSpecial To The Jewish Week 06/03/2009 When Hillary Clinton was New York’s junior senator from 2001 to 2009, she was a vocal supporter of Israel. She was especially strong on Jerusalem, stating in a September 2007 position paper that she believed “Israel’s right to exist in safety […]

ZOA Opposes Increasing Pressure On Israel From Obama Administration

   Obama Admin. Is Cooling U.S/Israel Relationship           The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has opposed and expressed concern over the various pressures, and hints of future consequences if Israel does not concede to these pressures to make concessions, to an unreconstructed, terrorist-sponsoring Palestinian Authority (PA) of Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas. It […]

ZOA: Obama Demands Isolation Of North Korea For Nuclear Threat – But No Such Action On Iran

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to a major inconsistency in the approach of the Obama Administration to the nuclear weapons threat posed by North Korea and Iran. In the North Korean case, President Barack Obama has stated explicitly that North Korea is in violation of international law and prior commitments, threatens […]

Poll: 40% Of Israeli Arabs Deny The Holocaust; Only 41% Accept Israel As A Jewish State

  ZOA: FM Lieberman’s concern about Israeli Arab loyalty is understandable         A new poll has shown that as many as 40.5 percent of Israeli Arabs deny the occurrence of the Nazi genocide of six million European Jews while only about that percentage – 41 percent – say they accept Israel’s right […]

Sec’y Clinton Demands No Additional Jews In Judea/Samaria/E. Jerusalem; Made No Demands on PA/Abbas

  ZOA troubled by Clinton demands     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed strong criticism and concern over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks to not allow Jews to build additional homes or any other Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem; reiterating support for creating a Palestinian state […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama For Linking Palestinian/Iran Issue; Opposing Right Of Jews To Live In Judea/Samaria; Supporting Palestinian State

  ZOA Praises Obama For Supporting Israel As Jewish State         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised aspects of President Obama’s reassertion of the paramountcy of Israel’s security and the preservation of Israel as an independent Jewish state, but expressed deep concern at his open-ended approach to negotiating with Iran […]

Senior Fatah Official: “With The Two State Solution…Israel Will Collapse”

  ZOA: No Negotiations With Fatah Until It Accepts Israel, Ends Terror & Incitement        The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the latest evidence of Palestinian Authority (PA)/Fatah duplicity and absence of peaceful intent which renders it unfit as a negotiating partner – an interview with Abbas Zaki, the PLO […]

ZOA Criticizes Pope’s Supporting ‘Right Of Return’ & Palestinian State; Opposing Security Fence, Minimizing Terrorism As Mere Temptation

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed criticism and concern over statements made by Pope Benedict XVI on his visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled areas, particularly his implicit endorsement of the Palestinian so-called ‘right of return.’ The ‘right of return’ would mean the entry into Israel by Palestinian Arab refugees of […]

ZOA Applauds U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman For Imploring The Chancellor Of UC Irvine To Publicly Condemn The Muslim Anti-Semitic Programs There

              The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) for calling on Chancellor Michael V. Drake, M.D. of the University of California, Irvine (UCI) to condemn an ongoing campus event sponsored by the Muslim Student Union (MSU) entitled “Israel:  The Politics of Genocide.”  As Congressman Sherman said in a letter […]

ZOA To Obama: Stop Linking Help On Iran To Israel’s Submission On Palestinian State

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed deep concern that the Obama Administration is linking Israeli submission to the establishment of a Palestinian state which will surely be a terrorist state on Israel’s longest border with American willingness to assist Israel in facing the mounting and existential Iranian nuclear threat. It is threatening […]