Category News
New Poll: Israelis Oppose Palestinian State 51% To 32%

  A new poll has shown that a majority of Israelis – 51 percent – oppose the creation of a Palestinian state, as opposed to merely 31 percent that favor its establishment. The poll, conducted by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute during February 2-3, 2009, also found that 52 percent of Israelis believe that the establishment […]

New Poll: Palestinians Support Suicide Bombings By 55% To 37%

  51% Palestinians Believe Rocket Attacks Support Their Goals        A new poll has shown that Palestinians support continued suicide bombings against Israel by 55.4 percent as compared to 37.6 percent who oppose it. The poll, conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, also found:   ·        That 50.8 percent of Palestinian believe […]

New Poll: Americans Support Israel Over Palestinians 57% – 8%

  A new poll has confirmed other recent polls indicating that Americans continue to strongly support Israel over the Palestinians: 57 percent of Americans defined themselves as Israel supporters, whereas only 8 percent described themselves as Palestinian supporters. A further 34 percent were undecided. The poll, conducted during January 10-12, also found the following:   […]

Egyptian Media: Jews Deserved Holocaust; Syrian Minister: Teach Israel’s Terrorist Nature

  2006 Poll: 92% Of Egyptians: Israel Is Enemy        The media of both Egypt, which is nominally at peace with Israel since 1979, and Syria, which remains in an open state of war with Israel, continue to maintain vile anti-Semitic programming which poisons the minds of Egyptians and Syrians. In Egypt, on […]

ZOA Names Gary Ratner National Executive Director

    Morton A. Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chair, National Board of Directors, and Dr. Alan Mazurek, Chair, National Executive Committee, have named Gary P. Ratner as the new National Executive Director of the Zionist Organization of America effective February 2, 2009.   Mr. Klein, Dr. Goldblatt […]

ZOA: Support Of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders For His Right To Free Speech

  He Exposed Dangers Of Radical Islam         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has announced its strong support for Geert Wilders, the Dutch Parliamentarian who is being criminally prosecuted in Holland for producing the short film “Fitna,” which documents the dangers of radical Islam.  An appellate court in Amsterdam has ordered the […]

Mitchell Is Wrong Man For Mideast Envoy

    Op-Ed: Mitchell is wrong man for Mideast envoy By Morton Klein · January 26, 2009 PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — The Zionist Organization of America is concerned about President Obama’s choice of George Mitchell as Mideast envoy. As Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post said, “The Mitchell Plan of 2001 was a flop. Why try the […]

ZOA Concerned: Mideast Envoy Mitchell Blames Both Sides Equally; Says Settlements Main Problem; Rationalizes Palestinian Violence

  Wash. Post: Mitchell Plan Was Flop. Why Try Him Again?      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed concern over President Obama’s appointment of George Mitchell as his Mideast envoy dealing with the Arab war against Israel.  It’s surprising that Obama would appoint Mitchell since, as Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post […]

Obama Inauguration Speech — “We Are A Nation Of Christians And Muslims, Jews And Hindus — And Non Believers”

  Why Did Obama Choose This Sequence?        ZOA: What is the reason President Obama chose this sequence when listing these four religions?   Throughout its history, the United States has always been known as a nation based on Judeo-Christian values and heritage.   Moreover, surveys show that there are some 5 – […]

ZOA: Israeli & U.S. Supporters of 2005 Gaza Withdrawal Should Apologize to Israeli Public, World Jewry & Gaza Jews

  Major Israeli journalist (Haaretz) also demands apology     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon Members of the Knesset (MKs) and other Israeli officials, journalists and Jewish leaders who gave their support to the 2005 Gaza/northern Samaria unilateral withdrawal to apologize to the Israeli electorate, which had voted overwhelmingly against that […]