Category News
ZOA Supports Sen. Barrasso’s Call To Deny Ahmadinejad A Visa To Come To The U.S.

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) applauds and strongly supports the call made by Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for the State Department to deny a visa to Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, due to his repeated calls for the destruction of Israel, allied to an Iranian policy […]

ZOA Strongly Opposes Decision To Disinvite Sarah Palin From Speaking At Anti-Ahmadinejad Rally

The following statement is from Morton A. Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America.                          “The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly opposes the disinvitation of Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin to be one of many speakers at a “stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons rally.”  This rally will also protest the presence of Iran‘s […]

Iraq Moves To Prosecute Iraqi Parliament Member For Visiting Israel & Calling For Relations

  The Iraqi parliament voted to strip the parliamentary immunity of one of its members, Mithal Alusi for visiting Israel last week to attend an international counter-terrorism conference at which he called for relations with Israel. This allows the Iraqi government to prosecute Alusi for breaking Iraqi law by visiting the Jewish state. The law […]

Former Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee Head Steinitz: “A Palestinian State In Judea & Samaria Would Bring About Israel’s Demise”

  The former chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Yuval Steinitz, has said that, “For any foreseeable future I do not see a partner, or any possibility to leave Judea and Samaria or even part of it … The idea of a two-state solution should be dead, today, because unfortunately a Palestinian […]

ZOA Praises President Bush’s Decision To Sell Bunker-Busting Bomb To Israel

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised President George W. Bush for deciding in favor of selling Israel sophisticated weapons for heavily fortified targets, including bunker-busting bombs. Contrary to previous reports suggesting that the Bush Administration would not sell Israel the sophisticated aircraft and equipment that could be integral to any future Israeli […]

New Poll: 13% Of Palestinians Support Peace Education – 74% Support Kidnapping Israelis

  A new Joint Israeli Palestinian Poll has shown that only 13% of Palestinians support educating Palestinian children for peace in the event of a peace agreement being signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The poll, conducted jointly by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew […]

Abbas’ PA Indoctrinates Palestinian Children That Palestine Includes All Of Israel

  A new report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) demonstrates that Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) school system continues to indoctrinate Palestinian children to believe that ‘Palestine,’ both as an idea and as a country, encompasses all of Israel. A recent children’s quiz broadcast this week on Abbas’ Fatah-controlled PA Television shows Palestinian children who […]

ZOA Praises E.U. MP Daniel Hannan For Criticizing E.U. Funding Of The PA

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the European Union (EU) Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Daniel Hannan for declaring that increased European Union (EU) aid to Hamas workers for the Palestinian Authority (PA) is illegal and an obstacle to peace. Hannan, who is is a Daily Telegraph [London] leader writer and […]

ZOA Urges Olmert Government: Drop Plans To Expel Jews From Judea & Samaria

  Has Olmert learned nothing from Gaza?       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to drop plans to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria following an abrupt announcement from Olmert’s office that his government will be discussing such a plan on September 7. According […]

ZOA: Israel Should Stop Talking To Syria Until Syria Stops Supporting Hizballah

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon Israel to cease its current secret talks with Damascus until Syria first moderates its policies, closes the many terrorist groups based in Syria, ends its incitement to hatred and murder against Israel and stops arming and backing Hizballah in Lebanon and assisting its creeping domination […]