Category News
PA’s Abbas Condemns Israeli Strikes On Palestinian Terrorists As “Terrible Crime” — But Silent On Anti-Israel Terror Causing Strikes

Bush Administration silent on Abbas’ failure to condemn terror Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, through his Presidential Spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rdainah, condemned Israeli airstrikes on Monday against Palestinian terrorists launching daily barrages of rockets into Israeli cities from Gaza, killing 11 of them, as a “terrible crime” (Ma’an News Agency, December 18, 2007). The […]

ZOA Criticizes Secretary Rice For Criticizing Israel’s Residential Housing Project In Jerusalem

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for joining in criticism of Israel expressed by the other three members of the Middle East ‘Quartet’ – the European Union, Russia and the United Nations – over plans to proceed with construction of 300 residential housing units in Har Homa, a […]

Statehood questioned

Ori Nir of Americans for Peace Now contends that “Most American Jewish groups are either silent, or worse, are seeking excuses to avoid supporting this peace effort” (“Jewish groups should rally behind Annapolis,” WJW, Nov. 22). But it is AFPN that needs to explain how it can support the idea of massive territorial concessions to […]

New Poll: 84% Of Israelis In Judea/Samaria Unwilling To Be Uprooted From Their Homes

76% unwilling to leave even for double compensation New York — A major new Israeli poll has shown that more than four-fifths of Israelis living in Judea and Samaria beyond the current security fence — 84% — are unwilling to be evacuated from their homes to live on the Israeli side of the security fence, […]

Egypt Permitting Gaza Terrorists To Go Abroad For Training

Security Minister Dichter: Israelis subjected to Gaza rockets could increase tenfold New York — Last week, for the first time since Hamas’ violent takeover of Gaza in June, Egypt unilaterally opened the Rafah border terminal and allowed 1,700 Palestinians, who claimed to be religious pilgrims on their way to Mecca but among whom were terrorists […]

Hitler Hero Worshipped In Abbas’ PA Media

Holocaust not mentioned New York — Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) media regularly includes approving and adulatory references to Adolf Hitler, most recently in a ‘PA radio ‘Voice of Palestine’ broadcast which included a Ramadan quiz. The full broadcast presents Hitler heroically, detailing his 2 Medals’ of Honor in World War 1, his rise to […]

Israel Waits Until After Annapolis To Announce That Abbas’ Fatah Murdered An Israeli

Israeli Defense Dept.: Rethink strengthening Abbas New York — The Olmert government waited until after the Annapolis meeting to announce the fact that Palestinian policemen belonging to Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) were behind the shooting attack on November 19 — one week before the Annapolis summit — which killed Ido Zoldan, a 29 year-old […]

Two Days After Annapolis – Abbas’ Fatah Declares It Will Join Hamas Fighting Israelis If Israel Attacks Terrorists In Gaza

New York — Only two days following the conclusion of the Annapolis meeting, Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has declared that Fatah will fight alongside Hamas if and when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launches a military operation in the Gaza Strip to combat the incessant rocket fire of terrorists operating in the […]

ZOA Criticizes Secretary Rice For Comparing Palestinians To Blacks During Segregation & Abbas To Martin Luther King

Rice’s pro-Arab bias not new New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized remarks made by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice which compared the Palestinian cause to that of blacks in segregationist America. While stating that she did not want to draw historical parallels or reflect on her own experience growing […]

ZOA: Annapolis Declaration & U.S., Israeli & Abbas Speeches Deeply Flawed

ZOA praises Bush for insistingArabs accept Jewish state New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has described the Annapolis Joint Understanding declaration and aspects of the speeches delivered by President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as deeply flawed. The ZOA has also condemned key aspects of Palestinian Authority (PA) President […]