Category News
Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Paid The Salaries Of Kidnappers Of Israeli Soldier

PA pays pensions to kidnappers’ families New York – Palestinian sources have revealed that Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), which controls PA revenue and receives international funds, paid the salaries of the terrorists who in June 2006 kidnapped the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier, Corporal Gilad Schalit. In March, it was revealed by the Jerusalem […]

France & Spain Condemn Iran’s Latest Call For Israel’s Destruction

ZOA: UN must act New York – The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stated in a speech on Sunday that last summer’s Lebanon war showed “for the first time hegemony of the occupier regime ( Israel) collapsed and that pushed the button counting the days until the destruction of Zionist regime.” Ahmadinejad’s comments, which were broadcast […]

New Israeli Poll: 68% Of Israelis Oppose Withdrawal From Golan, 53% From Judea & Samaria — Even For Peace

A new Israeli poll has found that 68% of Israelis are opposed to withdrawing from the Golan Heights and that 53% are opposed to withdrawals from Judea and Samaria, in both cases, not even in return for a “real peace.” In the case of unilateral withdrawals in Judea and Samaria, nearly two-thirds of Israelis — […]

PA’s Abbas Harbors Palestinian Terrorist Who Murdered 19 Jews

New York – Khaled Shawish, a senior terrorist commander in Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, who had been sheltered since 2002 in Abbas’ presidential compound (the Muqata) in Ramallah, was captured this week by Israeli forces in Ramallah. Shawish is a senior commander in Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades who is responsible for the […]

Deafening Silence As Palestinians Urge Killing Jews And Americans

As published in The Jewish PressTuesday, May 22, 2007 “This is Islam, that was ahead of its time with regards to human rights in the treatment of prisoners, but our people was afflicted by the cancerous lump, that is the Jews, in the heart of the Arab nation…. Be certain that America is on its […]

Former IDF Chief Lt.-Gen. Moshe Yaalon: Mahmoud Abbas Is “No Partner For Peace”

Yaalon: Gaza withdrawal caused Lebanon war The former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief-of-Staff, Lt.-Gen. Moshe Yaalon, has declared that the Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mamhoud Abbas is “no partner for peace.” Yaalon made his comment in an interview on Israeli television in which he also said that that “the unilateral approach that drove the [2005 […]

New Pew Survey — 26% Of U.S. Muslims Support Suicide Bombing — Only 40% Believe Arabs Caused 9/11

There are 2.3 million U.S. Muslims, not 7 million as some claim The first nationwide survey of Muslim Americans, carried out by Pew Associates, has revealed that more than a quarter of Muslim Americans (26%) under the age of 30 believe that suicide bombings to defend Islam are justified in at least some circumstances. According […]

New Israeli Poll: Majority Of Israeli Jews Believe Palestinians Want To Destroy Israel, Reject Land-For-Peace Deals & Unilateral Concessions To Palestinian Arabs

A new Israeli poll has revealed that clear majorities of Israeli Jews believe Palestinian Arabs want to destroy Israel and reject land-for-peace deals & unilateral concessions to Palestinian Arabs. The poll of 709 Israeli Jews, carried out by INSS (previously the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies) shows the following: A large majority of Israelis — […]

ZOA: Tenet, Former CIA Chief, Claims In New Book Of Threat To Resign If Pollard Released — Years Ago Told Jewish Leaders He Never Made Threat

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to a major discrepancy in former CIA Director George Tenet’s accounts of his role in the continuing imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard. ZOA has pointed out that Tenet, at a 1998 Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations meeting held after the Wye Agreement was signed, when asked […]

ZOA Criticizes Israeli FM Livni’s Statement That Israel Will Undertake Further Unilateral Withdrawals

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni for stating that Israel will set up a Palestinian state and that doing so will encompass further Israeli territorial withdrawals. In an interview in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Ahram, Livni stated that Israel, in its pursuit of peace and a two-state solution, […]