Category News
Israeli Foreign Ministry Website Omits Link To Rabin’s Last Knesset Speech Repudiating A Palestinian State In Its Rabin Memorial Web-Page

New York — The Israeli Foreign Ministry website has produced a memorial page in memory of assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, but has conspicuously omitted providing a link to the text of his last speech to the Knesset, one month prior to his assassination, in which he repudiated creating a fully sovereign Palestinian state and […]

Abbas’ Own Fatah Security Men Released By PA Despite Plotting To Assassinate PM Olmert

Three Fatah operatives involved in a plot to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a trip to Jericho to meet with Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas on August 6 and subsequently arrested by the PA after receiving information from Israel’s Shin Bet (Security Agency), have been found to have been released by the […]

ZOA Disappointed In Hillel’s Decision To Drop Anti-Semitism Investigation At UC Irvine

But Hillel Campaign Seeks FundsTo Fight Anti-Semitism New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is troubled to learn that the Hillel Foundation of Orange County (Hillel) has called off its investigation into allegations of anti-Semitism at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The investigation was being conducted by a Hillel-formed Task Force, consisting […]

Majority Of Knesset Members & Israelis Reject Dividing Jerusalem

New York — A majority of Knesset Members (MKs) have signed a petition calling for Jerusalem to remain undivided in response to many statements by Israeli government ministers and media speculation that the Olmert government, at the upcoming Annapolis conference, intends proposing the division of the city by handing over parts of it, including the […]

Abbas’ Fatah Controlled PA Media Erases Israel From The Map

New York — In the past week, a clip broadcast by Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) television shows a map in which Israel is painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag, erasing Israel from the region. The description of all the state of Israel as constituting “Palestine” is not coincidental and is part […]

ZOA Full Page Ad In NY Times: Secretary Rice — No Palestinian State Or Israeli Concessions While Palestinians “10 Commandments” Promote Israel’s Destruction

New York — The ZOA has placed a full-page ad in the New York Times appearing on Thursday, October 18, 2007 on page A-19. Other similar ads will follow in Israel and elsewhere in the US. The headline is: Secretary Rice: Don’t Promote A State For Palestinians While Their 10 Commandments Promote Terrorism and Israel’s […]

Rudy Giuliani: Don’t Negotiate With Palestinians Now — Don’t Create Another Terrorist State

“It’s not in our [US] interest.” New York — In a speech before an RJC Forum in Washington DC yesterday, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said about the Israeli-Arab conflict, “But you can’t negotiate with people who want to kill you and destroy you. I mean, think about it in the case of […]

Disappointed in ADL

I am surprised and disappointed to see Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) support giving a platform to South Africa’s Desmond Tutu to speak at a Minnesota university; despite the fact that Tutu is one of the most virulent critics of Israel and the Jewish people, constantly defaming both.   For example, in a […]

Poll: Majority Of Israelis Oppose Dividing Jerusalem Even For Peace Agreement

Fmr. Meretz rep.: Jerusalem in PA hands will become like Gaza New York — A major new Israeli poll by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research and the Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution of Tel Aviv University (October 8-10) has shown that a clear majority of Jewish Israelis — 59% to 33% […]

Archbishop Tutu’s Words Speak for Themselves

An October 12 editorial argues that an examination of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s actual remarks shows that he said nothing about Israel being racist, that he did not compare Israel to Hitler and that he is not even remotely antisemitic (“The Tutu Heave-Ho”).   But in fact, the full transcript of Tutu’s speech shows […]