Category News
ZOA: US Should Not Reward Hezbollah Terror By Giving Them Shaba Farms

New York – The Zionist Organization (ZOA) is dismayed that US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, has asked Israel to give up Shaba Farms to Hezbollah (ABC News, July 28; CNN, July 27). “There should be no reward whatsoever for Hezbollah’s aggression against Israel and their launching of 2,000 missiles in an attempt to murder […]

Palestinian Leader: Oslo Accords Caused Palestinian Terror War

New York – A senior leader in Fatah, Ziyad Abu ‘Ein, the Palestinian terrorist group lead by Palestinian Authority (PA) president, Mahmoud Abbas, has admitted that the Oslo peace process provided the Palestinians with the means to launch what he termed a “great Palestinian intifadah,” the campaign of suicide bombing and terrorism against Israeli civilians […]

ZOA Endorses John Bolton to Continue As Us Ambassador To The UN

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has announced its strong support for Ambassador John Bolton to continue his tenure as US Ambassador to the United Nations and strongly urged US Senators to confirm him in his post at the world body. Bolton is a career public servant and former Undersecretary of State […]

Lebanese Government’s Demands Identical To Hezbollah’s Demands

ZOA: Lebanon not innocent or peace-seeking New York – The so-called “weak,” “innocent,” “peace-seeking,” “democratic” Lebanese government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora is making the identical demands of Israel that are being made by the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah. These include an immediate ceasefire, the release of “Lebanese prisoners” (i.e. Hezbollah terrorists jailed in Israel) […]

Israeli Polls: 81% Of Israelis Back Military Effort To Crush Hezbollah; Israelis Oppose Further Unilateral Withdrawals 52% – 19%

July 20, 2006 – Two recent Israeli polls have shown that an overwhelming 81 percent of Israelis support the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) military campaign to crush the Islamist terrorist group, Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon, while a majority of Israelis (including Israeli Arabs) — 52 percent to 19 percent — oppose the Olmert government plan […]

Over 600 Turn Out At ZOA New York Solidarity Rally For Israel

New York – Over 600 people packed the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York, for a solidarity rally for Israel organized by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) with the special assistance of Rubin Margules, president of the ZOA’s Brooklyn chapter. The rally was co-sponsored by the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, the Bensonhurst […]

Despite Promises By Israeli Leaders – Previous Israeli Gaza Concessions Didn’t Make World Support Present Israeli Actions

New York – Many Israeli and Jewish leaders believed and predicted that if Israel made the major concessions of leaving the Jewish area of Gaza and northern Samaria and remove 10,000 Jews, in addition to leaving the 11-mile wide Lebanese buffer zone, the world would strongly support any future military action Israel would need to […]

ZOA Praises President Bush For Supporting Israel But Criticizes Secretary Rice For Urging “Restraint”

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised President George W. Bush for supporting Israel’s counter-terrorist strike in Lebanon, saying “Israel has a right to defend itself,” following recent attacks by radical Islamist terrorist groups, Hezbollah and Hamas, from southern Lebanon and Gaza which have resulted in the deaths and kidnappings of […]

ZOA Condemns Criticism By European Union Of Israel For “Disproportionate” Use Of Force In Lebanon

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the European Union (EU) for criticism of Israel made by its foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, for allegedly using “disproportionate” force in its response to assaults upon Israel from Lebanon by the Islamist terrorist group, Hezbollah (Associated Press, July 13). Solana stated, “The European […]

Kadima Minister Shitreet: Don’t Give More West Bank Land To Palestinians

“Sharon opposed more Israeli retreats” New York – A senior minister and leading figure in Ehud Olmert’s Kadima party, Housing and Construction Minister, Meir Shitreet, has come out strongly against the Olmert policy of further unilateral withdrawals in Judea and Samaria, saying “There is no point in giving West Bank land and receiving nothing in […]