Category News
New Poll: 77% Of Palestinians Support Kidnapping Israeli Soldier; 60% Support Rocket Attacks Against Israel

A new poll has found that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians — 77.2 percent — support the kidnapping by terrorists on June 25 of an Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit, and 60.4 percent support the ongoing barrage of rocket attacks upon Israel from northern Gaza. Further, the poll shows that 66.8 percent of Palestinians approve […]

Former IDF Chief Yaalon: Gaza Withdrawal Was A “Mistake Of The First Order” Which “Harmed America’s War On Terror”

“Political distress” caused Sharon’s Gaza decision The former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief-of-Staff, Lieutenant-General Moshe Yaalon, has condemned Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria last year as a “strategic mistake of the first order” which has “harmed America’s strategic war on terror in the region.” “The Disengagement was not the result of thorough […]

Over 200 ZOA Activists Meet With Congressmembers To Urge Action Against Funding The Palestinian Authority, And Action Against Saudi And Iranian Support For Terror

NEW YORK — Over 200 Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) activists from 15 states, including California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia, took part in ZOA’s annual activist Mission to Washington on June 28-29, 2006, to urge action against US funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA); to urge action […]

Associated Press Falsely Claims Hamas Has Implicitly Recognized Israel

Document Hamas accepted legalizes murder of Jews New York – An Associated Press (AP) report carried in many newspapers has falsely claimed that the Hamas/Palestinian Authority (PA) government has implicitly recognized Israel by accepting the ‘Prisoner’s Document,’ the plan put forward for referendum by Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas. The AP report, titled ‘Hamas-Fatah […]

New Poll: 70% Of Israelis Oppose Olmert’s Plan For Further Unilateral Withdrawals

New York – An Israeli poll released yesterday shows that 70% of Israelis are opposed to the Olmert government plan to carry out unilateral withdrawals in Judea and Samaria like that which were carried out last year in Gaza and northern Samaria. The poll was carried out by Shvakim Panorama. The survey moreover revealed that […]

New Poll: 56 % Of Palestinians Support Terrorist Attacks On Israeli Civilians

PA calls Gaza killing/kidnapping“daring” New York – A new joint Palestinian-Israeli opinion poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy & Survey Research (PCPSR) that interviewed 1270 Palestinian adults between June 15 and June 18 has found that 56% of Palestinians support terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel. This marks a rise from 52% […]

ZOA Criticizes Shimon Peres’ Remarks Denigrating Sderot Residents’ Concern Over Arab Rocket Attacks As “Hysteria”

Peres should apologize New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized remarks made by Israeli Vice-Premier Shimon Peres denigrating concern over the incessant rocket attacks upon Sderot and other parts of Israel adjacent to Gaza as “hysteria” and for demeaning the danger of Qassem missile attacks as “Qassems schmassems.” Peres was quoted […]

Military Intelligence Chief Yadlin: Gaza Withdrawal Intensified Strategic Threat To Israel’s Existence

New York – The head of Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) military intelligence, Major-General Amos Yadlin, has disclosed that strategic threats to Israel ‘s existence have intensified in the past year due in part to Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. Speaking at Haifa University earlier this week, Yadlin listed seven factors contributing to the deterioration in […]

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Palestinians Support Hamas’ Non-Recognition Of Israel

New York – A Bir Zeit University poll, carried out earlier this month and released in recent days, shows that nearly two-thirds of Palestinians support the non-recognition policy towards Israel pursued by the Hamas/Palestinian Authority (PA) government. Specifically, the poll posed 1,200 Palestinians a choice between Hamas rejecting recognizing Israel or its recognizing Israel and […]

ZOA: Israel Ignores Illegal Arab Homes While Planning To Demolish Illegal Jewish Homes

New York – The ZOA has criticized the Israeli government for planning to uproot 21 illegal Jewish outposts while ignoring the far more extensive illegal Arab housing in east Jerusalem and across Judea and Samaria. This week, Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz told Jewish community leaders in Judea and Samaria that Jewish settlers who break […]