Category News
Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Publicly Backs Iran’s Call For Israel To Be “Wiped Off The Map”

New York – The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the ruling Fatah party, co-founded by Yasser Arafat and Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas, became on Sunday the first Palestinian group to publicly endorse Iran’s call to eliminate Israel. In a leaflet distributed in the Gaza Strip, the group voiced full support for […]

Palestinian Thieves & Gangs Stealing Formerly Jewish Land In Gaza

New York – Palestinian thieves and gangs are stealing Jewish land that formerly belonged to the 9,000 Jews who were uprooted earlier this year as part of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. Large areas in Khan Yunis and Rafah are also reported to have been fenced off by local families, gangs and individuals. A recent report […]

Post-Rabin Prime Ministers Have Violated Rabin’s Oslo Guidelines

Rabin: No Palestinian stateNew York – Now that the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is being commemorated, it is appropriate to recall Rabin’s last address to the Knesset, delivered on October 5, 1995 (one month before his murder) explaining his vision for the peace process with the Palestinians which […]

Palestinians From Suicide Bomber’s Hometown Celebrate His Murder Of Israelis In Hadera

New York – Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets of Kabatiya, south of Jenin, Wednesday night to celebrate last week’s suicide bombing in the Israeli city of Hadera by a member of Islamic Jihad and local resident, Hassan Abu Zeid. Five Israelis were killed and over 30 wounded in this terrorist attack. According to […]

ZOA Agrees With Israeli Defense Minister Mofaz: It’s Impossible To Make Peace With Mahmoud Abbas

ZOA to US: Endnegotiations with AbbasNew York – The Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, today stated that it is impossible to make peace with Palestinian Authority (PA) chief, Mahmoud Abbas and his administration. In an interview today in Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper, Mofaz states: “We will not reach peace with the current Palestinian leadership — […]

Mahmoud Abbas Does Not Condemn Terrorist Attack In Hadera – Only Regrets That ‘It Harms Palestinian Interests’

New York – Palestinian Authority (PA) chief, Mahmoud Abbas, has responded to yesterday’s terrorist attack in the Israeli city of Hadera without condemning terrorism as evil, but merely regretting that “it harms Palestinian interests.” In Hadera, a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated his explosives on Wednesday at an outdoor market in Hadera, killing at least five […]

ZOA: Iran Should Be Expelled From U.N. For Calling For Israel & U.S. To Be “Wiped Off The Map”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms the call for the obliteration of the existence of the U.S. and Israel and the initiation of a religious war by the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who told an audience at a Teheran conference entitled ‘The World without Zionism,’ that ‘the […]

Israeli General Dan Harel: Egypt Is Not Stopping Flow Of Terrorists And Weaponry Into Gaza

New York — Outgoing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) OC, Southern Command, Maj.-Gen. Dan Harel, has strongly criticized Egypt for failing to honor the Gaza agreement with Israel to seal the Egypt-Gaza border as part of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria. Egyptian troops have allowed scores of terrorists and large amounts of weapons to […]

ZOA Criticizes Mahmoud Abbas’ Request That President Bush Pressure Israel Into Releasing Palestinian Terrorists

New York – The ZOA has criticized Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas’ request to President George W. Bush to exert pressure on Israel to release Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, virtually all of whom have been involved in terrorist activities, including the architect of the current terrorist war, Marwan Barghouti. Barghouti is a founder […]

ZOA Praises Bush Administration For Pushing PA Chief Abbas To Require Candidates In PA Elections To Renounce Violence

New York – The ZOA has praised the Bush Administration for calling upon Palestinian Authority (PA) chief, Mahmoud Abbas, to require all candidates in next January’s legislative elections to renounce violence against Israel and for urging him to dismantle the terrorist movements operating within the PA. At present, Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, are intending […]