Category News
ZOA: We Urge Members Of Congress Not To Meet With Cindy Sheehan – It Legitimizes Her Extremist Attacks Upon U.S. And Israel

The ZOA is respectfully urging U.S. Senators and House members not to meet with Cindy Sheehan, an anti-Iraq war protestor, who has made vicious, extremist and false statements about America and Israel. Doing so only confers legitimacy and credibility upon Cindy Sheehan, which she does not deserve. Her extremist remarks include: “America has been killing […]

Gaza Withdrawal Has Allowed Heavy Weaponry To Reach Palestinian Terrorists In Gaza/Judea/Samaria

New York – Israeli intelligence officials have disclosed that large amounts of weaponry, including automatic assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and hundreds of kilograms of explosives have been smuggled across the Egyptian border into Gaza and then Judea/Samaria during the past week, when Egyptian and Palestinian Authority (PA) personnel allowed the movement of fugitives and arms […]

ZOA Strongly Condemns PA’s Abbas Refusal To Dismantle Terrorist Groups

The ZOA has strongly condemned Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas’ blatant refusal to disarm Palestinian terrorists, to which he agreed under the Roadmap. In addition, the Quartet — the U.S., E.U, U.N. and Russia — explicitly called upon him to do so this week. Then the Quartet issued a statement which included the following: […]

ZOA Supports Sharon Demanding Hamas Be Excluded From Palestinian Elections & Lawmakers Urge Bush To Do Same

Oslo forbids Hamas-type in electionsNew York – The ZOA has strongly backed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in his refusal to assist the Palestinian Authority (PA) in holding legislative elections in January if the terrorist movement Hamas is allowed to participate and has called upon President Bush to do the same. It is also a […]

ZOA Dismayed That 12 Years After Oslo An Israeli PM Still Pleads At UN For Palestinians To Stop Terror

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) finds it painful to see that 12 years after Oslo began, after major concessions of giving away one-half of Judea & Samaria and all of Gaza, arming the Palestinian police, forcibly removing 10,000 Jews from their homes, and billions of dollars in international aid; it is still necessary for […]

ZOA: Palestinian Destruction Of Gaza Synagogues Only Latest In History Of Destroying Jewish Holy Sites

Would world be silent if Israel destroyed mosques? New York – With Israel’s unilateral retreat from Gaza, synagogues abandoned intact have been destroyed by Palestinian mobs. “Hours after the Israelis left the settlement of Neve Dekalim, young Palestinians were tearing aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures out of the main synagogue there, as fires […]

Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Promotes Hatred Of US While Pocketing Bush’s Increase In US Aid

New York – Despite the fact that the Bush Administration has increased the amount of US aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its chief Mahmoud Abbas over what the Clinton Administration provided, including a recent additional gift of $50 million in direct aid on August 24, 2005; the PA is promoting horrifying anti-American propaganda, […]

Bush Reneges On Promise That Israel Retains Major Population Centers

Bush: No Buildingin Maale AdumimNew York – Both the New York Times and the Jerusalem Post reported that “Israel has bowed to United States pressure” and decided not to build apartments on the outskirts of Maale Adumim, a large Jewish community near Jerusalem. Over 30,000 Jews reside there. This housing development is within the existing […]

Deputy Director Of Palestinian Clerics: The Zionist Entity Will Be Destroyed – No Negotiations – Only Jihad – We Must Kill These Jews

New York — Last week Sheikh Muhammad Ali, deputy director of the Palestinian Clerics Association, said in an interview on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV that “we will enter Palestine as conquerors and liberators, not through negotiations, but through Jihad and the Muslim would kill the Jews…we will wipe out the Zionist enemy.” (Translation courtesy of MEMRI) […]

Letter to the Editor: Abbas Disappoints by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

As published in theJerusalem PostAbbas disappoints… Sir, — It was deeply disappointing to see Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas recently criticize Israel for killing wanted Islamic Jihad terrorists, one of whom orchestrated two suicide bombings killing 10 Israelis in February and July of this year (“Katyusha fired at Galilee, 2 Kassams at Sderot,” August 26). If […]