Category News
Bush Speech Condemns Retreating, Surrendering To Evil, Radical Islam, Leaving Terrorists Alone, While Promoting Courage & Honor – Is Israel Listening?

New York – The ZOA strongly praises President Bush for his Churchill-like stance in confronting the evil of radical Islamic terrorism. In last night’s State of the Union address, President Bush said the following: “In a time of testing, we cannot find security by abandoning our commitments and retreating within our borders. If we were […]

ZOA Praises President Bush, Secretary Rice & Congress For Refusing To Deal With Hamas Terrorist Group Unless It Renounces Call For Israel’s Destruction

New York – The ZOA has praised President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and members of Congress for stating clearly that, following the Nazi-like Hamas party’s victory in last week’s Palestinian legislative elections, the United States continues to regard Hamas as a terrorist organization with which the US won’t deal and would […]

New Troubling Facts Discovered About Controversial Brandeis Academic Khalil Shikaki

New York – New troubling facts have been discovered concerning the background of controversial Brandeis University academic Khalil Shikaki. Shikaki is a Senior Fellow at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis. He is also Director of the Palestine Center for Policy and Survey Research. It has now come to our attention that […]

ZOA: Hamas Victory Is The Result Of Ignoring Incitement

New York – The strong Nazi-like Hamas party victory in the Palestinian Arab elections makes it clear that the approach used by Israel, and the US since Oslo began was flawed. The US and Israel emphasized making one-sided land concessions by Israel, providing substantial monies to the Palestinian Authority (PA), and pushing for elections by […]

Ha’aretz’s Danny Rubenstein: Gaza Unilateral Withdrawal Helped Hamas Win Palestinian Elections

New York – Veteran prize-winning Israeli journalist for the Ha’aretz newspaper, Danny Rubenstein, told a group of Jewish leaders discussing the Palestinian elections that Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria last year boosted Hamas’ standing in Palestinian society and strongly helped Hamas win this election. Rubenstein’s statement was made in response to a […]

Nazi-Like Hamas Wins Palestinian Elections; US & Europe Must Stop Aid To PA/Hamas

The Nazi-like party Hamas — whose official charter openly calls for the murder of Jews (Article 7), seeks the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel (Article 15), and claims to be fighting a world-wide anti-Muslim conspiracy led by Jews — has been voted into power by the Palestinian Arab people. The Hamas Charter even […]

Former Israeli Army Chief Yaalon: Gaza Withdrawal Weakened Israel, Even 1967 Borders Will Not Protect Us, Arab Rejection Source Of All Violence

New York – The former Israel Defense Forces (DF) Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Moshe Moshe Yaalon, told the Herzliya Conference on Sunday that since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria, Gaza has turned into “Hamastan, Hizbullahstan and al-Qaedastan …Israel failed to create reliable deterrence for the future. The Arabs’ refusal to recognize Israel is […]

ZOA: Official UN Response To US Protest Over ‘Map Of Palestine’ Without Israel Is Unacceptable

New York – The ZOA has described as unacceptable the official response of the United Nations to a letter from the US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, posing questions to the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, regarding the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” held last November in New York under UN auspices and […]

ZOA: PA Chief Abbas’ Continuous Refusal To Condemn Palestinian Terrorism As A Moral Horror Is Sickening

New York – The ZOA has described as sickening the continuous refusal of Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas to condemn Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Following today’s suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, in which 30 people were wounded, Abbas only stated that, “This is sabotage and aimed at sabotaging the elections, not only the elections, […]

ZOA Condemns PA For Affirming Its Commitment To Terrorism

New York – The ZOA has condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA) for its on-going support for terrorism and failure to fight it in accordance with its commitments under signed agreements and the 2003 Roadmap peace plan, noting that a senior Palestinian official, PA National Security Advisor Jibril Rajoub, recently praised Palestinian terrorism, boasted that the […]