Category News
ZOA Criticizes Jewish Leaders For Meeting With Authors Of Rogue Geneva Plan That Endangers Israel

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the group of American Jewish leaders who are meeting with the authors of the rogue Geneva Accord, which seeks to pressure Israel to retreat almost to the nine-miles-wide pre-1967 borders, expel tens of thousands of Jews from their homes, tear Jerusalem in half, and give […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #31: November 25, 2003 – December 1, 2003

Background: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

ZOA Condemns Rogue Geneva Accord, Which Would Push Israel Back To The Indefensible 1967 Borders

Powell Should NotMeet With Rogue Group NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the rogue Geneva Accord, which would push Israel back almost to the nine-miles-wide pre-1967 borders, expel many thousands of Jews from their homes, and give away Judaism’s holiest site. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s spokesman, Ra’anan Gissin, has described the […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #30: November 18, 2003 – November 24, 2003

Background: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

ZOA Opposes Rumored Plan To Expel Jews From Gaza

Expelling JewsRewards Terrorism NEW YORK – In response to media reports of a possible expulsion of Jews from their towns and homes in the Gaza region, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its opposition to any such expulsion and reaffirmed its opposition to the apartheid-like principle that only Arabs should be permitted to […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #29: November 11, 2003 – November 17, 2003

Background: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

ZOA Protests Bush’s False Allegation That Israel Engages In “Daily Humiliation Of The Palestinians”

Checking for BombsIs Not “Humiliation” NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly protested President Bush’s erroneous allegation that Israel is guilty of “the daily humiliation of the Palestinian people.” Webster’s Dictionary defines “humiliate” as: “To reduce to a lower position in one’s eyes, or in the eyes of others.” The ZOA points […]

ZOA Troubled By Report That Bush Administration Is Pressuring Israel To Make More Concessions

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America is deeply troubled by a report that the Bush administration is pressuring Israel to make more concessions to Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported (Nov.17, 2003) that “the Americans are exerting more pressure on Israel” in order to help the new Palestinian Authority prime minister, […]

House Majority Leader Tom Delay At ZOA Dinner: It’s Not “Occupied Territory,” It’s Israel

Nearly 700 AttendSuccessful National ZOA Dinner NEW YORK- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX), the keynote speaker at the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)’s annual Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner at the New York Hilton on November 16, said at the dinner that when he recently stood on the Golan Heights and looked out […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #28: November 4, 2003 – November 10, 2003

Background: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]