Category News
Israel’s “Fence” — The Continuation of a Dangerous Lie

Israel’s “Fence” – The Continuation of a Dangerous LieBy Dr. Jerome S. KaufmanNational Secretary of the ZOA Confusion and conflict continue to reign supreme over the existence, extent, route and composition of the “Fence” that Israel is now constructing in an attempt at protecting itself against the lethal, painfully effective terrorist destruction and demoralization of […]

ZOA Criticizes Dennis Ross & Winep For Embracing Fatah Terrorist Delegation

Delegation MemberEndorsed Suicide Bombings NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned former U.S. Mideast envoy Dennis Ross for bringing a delegation of representatives of the Fatah terrorist movement to meet with Members of Congress and Bush administration officials and hosting a luncheon for them at the Washington Institute for Near East […]

FBI Says Palestinian Authority Not Cooperating In Search For Killers Of Americans

NEW YORK- The FBI agents who were sent to Gaza to investigate the Palestinian Arab murders of three Americans are not receiving appropriate cooperation from the Palestinian Authority Security Services, according to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz (Oct.24, 2003) The FBI “is unhappy with the level of cooperation” it received from the PA, Ha’aretz reports. The […]

ZOA Strongly Opposes Bush Administration’s Sale Of New Weapons To Egypt And Saudi Arabia

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America strongly opposes the Bush administration’s plan to sell sophisticated new weapons to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Oct.16, 2003), “Israeli officials are particularly concerned about the planned sale of satellite-guided missiles that would erode Israel’s strategic advantage.” The Jerusalem Post reported (Oct.16, 2003) […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #25: October 14, 2003 – October 20, 2003

BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

Poll Finds Vast Majority Of Palestinian Arabs Will Support Violence Even It They Get A State

ZOA to Bush: Giving Them aState Would Be Disaster for Israel NEW YORK- In the wake of a new poll showing the vast majority of Palestinian Arabs still support violence and the destruction of Israel, the Zionist Organization of America is urging President Bush to drop his effort to create a sovereign Palestinian Arab state. […]

NSC Head Condoleeza Rice Is Mistaken In Her Claim That Anti-Semitism “Is Not Emblematic Of The Muslim World”

Malaysian PM’s Anti-Semitic RemarksGot Standing Ovation from Muslim Leaders NEW YORK- President Bush’s National Security Adviser, Condoleeza Rice, is mistaken in her claim that the Malaysian prime minister’s anti-Semitic speech was “not emblematic of the Muslim world.” Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad told the Organization of the Islamic Conference on October 16, 2003, that “The […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #24: October 7, 2003 – October 13, 2003

BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

ZOA Praises Bush Administration for Vetoing Anti-Israel U.N. Resolution

Also Praise for Bush’s Support ofIsrael’s Response to Haifa Massacre NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America has strongly praised the Bush Administration for vetoing a U.N. Security Council Resolution that would condemn Israel’s security fence as illegal and demand its removal. The resolution, introduced by Syria (which is on the U.S. list of […]

ZOA Praises House Committee For Passing Legislation To Impose Sanctions On Terrorist Syrian Regime

ZOA Worked Extensivelyon Behalf of the Bill NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised the House International Relations Committee for passing the Syria Accountability Act, legislation that will impose sanctions on the terrorist Syrian regime. The ZOA has worked extensively on behalf of the Syria Accountability Act since the bill’s […]