Category News
Are the Palestinian Arabs Fulfilling President Bush’s Conditions for Statehood? A Survey of Week #36: Feb.25 – March 3, 2003

THE BUSH PLAN: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by […]

ZOA Protests U.S. Embassy Officials’ Pressure On Israel To Stop Seizing Terrorists’ Bank Account Data

U.S. Has Seized Terrorists’Funds in American Banks NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its strong disappointment that the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv is pressuring the Israel to refrain from taking action against bank accounts held by Palestinian Arab terrorists in eastern Jerusalem. The U.S. Embassy’s action is especially surprising in […]

ZOA Alarmed By Reported Creation Of New C.I.A. Unit To Act Against Jews In Judea-Samaria

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its strong concern over reports that the Bush administration has established a new unit within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to facilitate restrictions on Jewish communities in Judea-Samaria and to impose the administration’s “Road Map” to create a Palestinian Arab state along Israel’s pre-1967 border. […]

PA Television Broadcasts Sermon Calling America “The Primary Enemy Of The Arabs”

NEW YORK- Official Palestinian Authority Television has broadcast a sermon calling the United States “the primary enemy” —yet another blatant violation of the conditions that President Bush established in his June 24, 2002 speech. President Bush said in his June 24, 2002 speech that the Palestinian Arabs must “end incitement to violence in official media.” […]

ZOA To Bush: “Peaceful, Democratic Palestine” Not Based On Reality; A Palestinian Arab State Will Be A Terrorist State

New Poll: Americans OpposePalestinian Arab State, 71%-13% NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) disagrees with President Bush’s statement that a Palestinian Arab state can be a “peaceful and democratic” state that will coexist with Israel. The Palestinian Arabs’ ongoing terrorist war against Israel and their culture of anti-Jewish hatred and violence demonstrates that […]

Are the Palestinian Arabs Fulfilling President Bush’s Conditions for Statehood? A Survey of Week #35: Feb. 18 – Feb. 24, 2003

THE BUSH PLAN: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by […]

ZOA Praises Bush Administration For First-Ever Indictment Of Palestinian Arab Killers Of Americans

Ashcroft Was Senate Leader inPursuing Arab Killers of Americans NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised the Bush administration, and Attorney General John Ashcroft in particular, for issuing the first-ever indictments of Palestinian Arab terrorists who have murdered Americans—three of whom are being sheltered by Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority and […]

Are the Palestinian Arabs Fulfilling President Bush’s Conditions for Statehood? A Survey of Week #34: Feb.11 – Feb.17, 2003

THE BUSH PLAN: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by […]

New National Poll: By Margin Of 71% To 13%, Americans Oppose Creating A Palestinian Arab State

By 7 to 1, Americans OpposeU.S. Aid to Palestinian Arabs NEW YORK – By a margin of 71% to 13%, Americans oppose the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, according to a new national poll of 1,000 Americans by the respected polling firm of John McLaughlin and Associates. By a margin of five and a […]

At ZOA Event On Capitol Hill, Israeli Military Expert Urges: No Negotiations Until PA Fights Terror

Gen.Amidror to Bush:Don’t Pressure Israel! NEW YORK – At a special Capitol Hill forum organized by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), a senior Israeli military expert urged Israel to refrain from any negotiations with the Palestinian Authority until the PA halts its terrorist war against Israel and actively combats other terrorist groups. Israeli Army […]