Category News
Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #4: May 20, 2003 – May 26, 2003

BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

While U.S. Raises Its Own Guard Against Terror, Bush Presses Israel For Steps That Would Lower Its Guard

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America strongly protests the Bush administration’s growing pressure on Israel to accept the Road Map despite the dangers it poses to Israel’s security; to ease up checkpoints that screen out terrorists; to release imprisoned terrorists; and to begin expelling Jews from parts of Judea-Samaria and Gaza. ZOA National President […]

ZOA Appalled That Senior U.S. Officials Reportedly Are Selecting Jewish Communities To Expel From Judea-Samaria

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America has sent an urgent telegram to President Bush, asking him to confirm or deny a New York Times report that senior U.S. officials recently visited Israel to select Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria that they want to expel in the near future. ZOA National President Morton A. […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #3: May 13, 2003 – May 19, 2003

BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]

ZOA: Instead Of Offering Condolences, U.S. Should Cut Off All Talks With Terrorist Palestinian Authority Regime

U.S. Policy Means No Priceis Paid for the PA’s Terrorism NEW YORK- Instead of offering condolences to the latest Israeli victims of Palestinian Arab terrorism, President Bush should take a decisive step against Palestinian Arab terror by suspending all U.S. contacts with the terrorist Palestinian Authority regime. The Zionist Organization of America’s National President Morton […]

The Hated Solution

The Hated Solutionby Dr. Jerome S. KaufmanMay 18, 2003 / 16 Iyar 5763   Many times, I, a supposed Zionist maven, am asked: “Well, how would you solve Israel’s problems?” The difficult part is that I know the questioner will not like my answer. He or she will simply walk away mumbling incoherent unpleasantries. Solutions […]

Israel’s Defense Minister Says Bush “Road Map” Plan Will Endanger Israel

Conf. of Presidents, ZOA, and ADLHave Also Criticized “Road Map” NEW YORK- Opposition to the Bush administration’s “Road Map” plan is growing, with Israel’s Defense Minister warning that the plan will endanger Israel’s national security. The Israeli daily Ha’aretz reports (May 15, 2003) that Defense Minister General Shaul Mofaz told the cabinet that the Bush […]

Over 600 L.A. Students Take Part in ZOA’s Memorial Rally for U.S. Victims of Arab Terror

More than 600 students from Los Angeles-area Jewish day schools took part in a public assembly in memory of five Jews from Los Angeles who were murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists in Israel. The assembly, which was held in West Los Angeles on May 6, 2003, was organized by Zvi Smith, a senior at the […]

ZOA Condemns Powell For Pressuring Israel To Free Terrorists While Ignoring Terrorists Hiding In Arafat’s HQ

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has sent a telegram to Secretary of State Colin Powell, urging him to stop pressuring Israel to free terrorists, and instead pressure the Palestinian authority to surrender the terrorists who yesterday murdered an Israeli man and took shelter in Yasir Arafat’s PA headquarters in Ramallah. In response […]

Palestinian Arab Violations of President Bush’s “Road Map” Plan A Survey of Week #2: May 6, 2003 – May 12, 2003

BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by terror,” and […]