Category News
Arafat’s News Agency Says “Jews Control The U.S. Government”

NEW YORK- Resorting to crude anti-Jewish bigotry, Yasir Arafat’s official news agency has declared that Jews control the United States government. An editorial on Arafat’s WAFA web site on May 24, 2002, complained that “the USA tries to reshape the Palestinian Leadership and opinion according to Sharon’s desires and Israel planning and the Jewish Lobby […]

Two New State Department Reports Whitewash Arafat’s Role As A Killer Of Jews

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly condemned two new State Department reports which ignore the overwhelming evidence that Yasir Arafat has been the leader of the Palestinian Arab terrorist campaign he launched in September 2000, during which he has been ordering, financing, and harboring killers of Jews. In a letter […]

Another Outrageous Claim By Arafat: Ancient Jewish Temple Was In Nablus, Not Jerusalem

NEW YORK – Yasir Arafat has been circulating yet another bizarre allegation, claiming that the ancient Jewish Temple did not stand in Jerusalem, but rather in Nablus (Shechem). Arafat made the allegation during the July 2000 Camp David talks, according to U.S. envoy Dennis Ross, who was present when Arafat spoke. Ross has now revealed: […]

DFLP Says It Launched Terror Attack; ZOA Urges Bush To Put DFLP On Terror List

Clinton Was Wrong toTake DFLP Off the Terror List NEW YORK – The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), which was removed from the U.S. list of terror groups in 1999, has claimed responsibility for carrying out yet another terrorist attack against Israel, prompting the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) to urge the […]

Arafat Again Cites As His Model A 7th-Century “Peace” Treaty That Muslims Tore Up Once They Gained Upper Hand

Arafat Again SignalsSupport for Murder NEW YORK- While the Bush administration praised Yasir Arafat’s latest speech as “positive,” the text of the speech reveals that Arafat once again cited as his model a 7th-century Muslim “peace” treaty that the Muslims tore up as soon as they gained military advantage over their “peace partner.” According to […]

ZOA Condemns Bush Plan To Give $70-Million To Arafat’s Terrorist “Security” Forces

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is launching a campaign against the Bush administration’s reported plan to give $70-million to Yasir Arafat’s security forces, which have been involved in the murders of numerous Israelis—as well as a number of American citizens. Middle East Newsline reports (May 16, 2002) that the Bush administration […]

ZOA Urges California To Cut Funds To UC-Berkeley If It Doesn’t Cancel Course Urging Violence & Destruction Of Israel

Instructor HeadsAnti-Israel Extremist Group NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Governor of California to reduce state funding to the University of California at Berkeley if the university refuses to cancel a planned course supporting violence against Israel and urging the destruction of Israel. According to the Fall 2002 course […]

Arafat Aide Who Planned 1972 Munich Massacre Says Israel Massacres Israelis In Order To Blame Arabs

NEW YORK – A senior aide to Yasir Arafat who helped mastermind the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre —in which 11 athletes, including an American citizen, where murdered— has claimed that Israelis carried out the recent suicide bombing-massacre of 15 Israelis in the city of Rishon L’Tzion. The accusation was made by Amin Al-Hindi, chief of […]

ZOA Strongly Praises Likud’s Resolution Opposing Creation Of A Palestinian Arab State

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) —the oldest, and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States— has strongly praised the resolution by Israel’s Likud Party that “No Palestinian state will be established west of the Jordan River.” ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “The Likud’s resolution is consistent […]

Op-Ed: There is No “Occupation” by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

Arab spokesmen regularly complain about what they call “the Israeli occupation” of the Judea-Samaria-Gaza territories. But the truth is that there is no such “Israeli occupation.” To begin with, nearly all Palestinian Arabs currently live under Yasir Arafat’s rule, not Israel’s. Following the signing of the Oslo accords, the Israelis withdrew from nearly half of […]