Category Special Reports
News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 11 – 17, 2013)

This past week no rocket hits were identified in Israel’s south. In Judea and Samaria violence continued, most of it associated with the so-called popular resistance. In the north, an IDF soldier was killed by a Lebanese army soldier on the Israeli-Lebanese border in the region of Rosh Haniqra. The extreme weather conditions in the […]

Kerry and his Court Jews

In an effort to secure support for his newly launched “peace process,” Secretary of State John Kerry met last Thursday evening with a selected group of American Jewish leaders. Like Rabbi Stephen Wise before them, who tacitly consented to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s determination to do nothing to rescue European Jews from the Holocaust, they […]

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 17 – 23, 2013)

Overview This past week three rocket hits were identified in Israel’s south after a month of quiet. InJudea and Samaria violent confrontations and friction continued between Palestinians and Israeli security forces, as part of the so-called popular resistance. A young ultra-Orthodox man was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near the Nablus Gate in Jerusalem. Events focused on […]

ZOA Report: J Street – Siding with Israel’s Enemies

Introduction  J Street describes itself as Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-peace and supporting the “peace camp” in Israel. Yet J Street has consistently taken positions to the left of the Israeli Labor Party.  In a Washington Post op-ed in May 2008, entitled, ‘5 Myths About Being Pro-Israel,’ Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street’s Executive Director, asserted that “forging a healthy friendship […]

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 20 – April 2, 2013)

Overview The American president’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority was exploited by terrorists to launch five rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Two of the rocket landings were identified inside Israel; one of them hit a house in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. In response Israel temporarily closed the Kerem […]

Morton A. Klein: ZOA President’s Address at the 114th Annual Louis D. Brandeis Awards Dinner, New York, NY 2011

Applause…               I am proud and privileged to welcome all of you here. Eight hundred devoted and committed Zionists whose love of Israel and the Jewish people is evident by the fact of your presence of simply being here. I want to especially welcome the over one hundred college students here tonight. Welcome future Jewish leaders […]