Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Quoted Extensively about Syrian Immigrants in NY Jewish Week

A majority of Americans polled in March support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call for a ban on all non-citizen Muslims entering the United States. That same YouGov/Huffington Post poll found that a proposal by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to “patrol and secure” Muslim neighborhoods was supported by 45 percent of Americans. Anti-Muslim attacks spiked […]

NY Daily News Cites ZOA Work on Campus Anti-Semitism

On campuses across the country — including at City University schools — students have mounted campaigns for waging economic war on Israel. The movement, called BDS, urges boycotting Israeli businesses, disinvesting from the Jewish state and imposing sanctions for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians. Students for Justice in Palestine has been a primary leader […]

ZOA Joins Other Jewish Groups in Letter Supporting Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism

Citing reports of an increase in anti-Israel activity on college campuses, a bipartisan congressional task force on anti-Semitism asked U.S. Education Secretary John King to outline how his department is tracking anti-Jewish bias. The letter sent Wednesday to King by 38 members of the U.S. House of Representatives who belong to the Bipartisan Taskforce for […]

ZOA Letter in JPost on Obama’s Anti-Israel Positions

J Street’s Yael Patir claims that, “During his eight years in office [US President Barack] Obama blocked all Security Council resolutions that were critical of Israel… so I don’t think Obama can be accused of being anti-Israel” (‘Is Obama planning his revenge on Netanyahu? (Online Edition, April 14). Actually, President Obama has supported resolutions both […]

ZOA Letter in Forward on Campus Jew Hatred

To the Editor: The so-called “Students for Justice in Palestine” group and its allies falsely claim that those who are objecting to the SJP’s actions at The City University of New York are trying to stifle the SJP’s free speech and prevent criticism of Israel ( “New Challenge for CUNY Over Alleged Anti-Semitism,” April 8, […]

ZOA’s Klein Extensively Quoted in NY Jewish Week Article

Anybody who cared about the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and even today, would immediately recognize the names Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, activists, two Jewish, one black, murdered in Mississippi by the Klan. Today, many surely know the names Treyvon Martin or Eric Garner, young black men killed before their time. But who, even […]

ZOA’s Klein and Foxman Opposed Sanders’ Choice for Jewish Liaison

Bernie Sanders should fire his new Jewish Outreach Director over past anti-Israel comments, former ADL head Abe Foxman told Jewish Insider on Thursday. The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that the campaign’s newly hired Jewish outreach director Simone Zimmerman wrote an expletive-laden Facebook post last year that condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as […]

Michelle Obama Gives Commencement Speech to Antisemitism Riddled CUNY System

At schools within the City University of New York system, a group called Students for Justice of Palestine has been intimidating Jewish students with anti-Semitism. At Brooklyn College, for instance, group members demanded that “Zionists” leave campus and called one professor a “Zionist pig.” At other CUNY campuses, SJP has intimidated Jewish students by calling them […]

NY Jewish Week Article about Cruz and Israel

Anybody who cared about the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and even today, would immediately recognize the names Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, activists, two Jewish, one black, murdered in Mississippi by the Klan. Today, many surely know the names Treyvon Martin or Eric Garner, young black men killed before their time. But who, even […]

NY Legislators’ Press Release: 33 NY Officials (18 D’s,15 R’s) Demand Suspending Anti-Semitic SJP from CUNY

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), joined by Assemblyman David Weprin (D-Queens) and Sen. Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), called for the “immediate suspension” of Students for Justice in Palestine from City University of New York college campuses on Tuesday in light of several incidents that have left many Jews feeling fearful and intimidated by the actions of SJP […]