Category ZOA in the news
Letter to the Editor: Ideology Trumps Economics by Michael Goldblatt, Ph.D., Chairman of the ZOA’s Board of Directors

As published in the theWall Street JournalMessrs. Yago and Prince seem to believe that economics is the key that can unlock even the most intractable of conflicts. This is 24 -carat nonsense. In the Middle East, ideology trumps economics. Just because something is economically advantageous doesn’t it will be accepted — or else Yasser Arafat […]

Letter to the Editor: ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice Fights Israel-Bashing and Anti-Semitism by Susan Tuchman

Published in the New Jersery Jewish Standardand several other publications Dear Editor, There is no question that the Jewish community must adopt a more public and vigorous challenge to anti-Semitism on college campuses (“How to Stop Anti-Semitic Conferences on College Campuses,” by Mitchell G. Bard, Feb. 18, 2005). Your readers should be aware of the […]

Questionable Seeds of Peace

Questionable Seeds of Peace Jan 11, 2005 / 1 Shevat 5765 by Dr. Jerome S. Kaufman Last month, Seeds of Peace once again sponsored a very successful fund-raising event in the Detroit, Michigan area. Of special note was that one of the corporate leadership chairs was Debbie Dingell, Vice Chair of the General Motors Foundation […]

Appeasement And Defeatism

Appeasement And Defeatism The Detroit Jewish News,September 12, 2004 By Jerome S. Kaufman Finally, I am able to pour out the anguish that has resulted from watching Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dismantle the land of the Jews. Moshe Dann, Detroit Jewish News contributor, living for years in Israel, supplied me with a phrase that […]

ZOA Special Report – Gaza: The Case Against Israeli Withdrawal – U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff: Gaza is crucial to Israel’s security

On June 19, 1967, in the wake of the Six Day War, the U.S. Secretary of Defense instructed the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present their “views, without regard to political factors, on the minimum territory” that Israel would be “justified in retaining in order to permit a more effective defense against possible conventional Arab […]

ZOA in the LA Times: Tapping Into Jews’ Fears: Zionist Morton Klein — once seen as an extremist — is winning support for his hard-line view of Palestinians, even among U.S. liberals

Metro Desk; Metro COLUMN ONE Tapping Into Jews’ Fears Zionist Morton Klein—once seen as an extremist—is winning support for his hard-line view of Palestinians, even among U.S. liberals. TERESA WATANABETIMES STAFF WRITER Home Edition A-1 Copyright 2002 Los Angeles Times Morton Klein is telling a group of Reform Jews—among American Jewry’s more liberal members—how much […]

ZOA Capitol Hill Panel Discussion: “A Palestinian State: Civilized Democracy or Terrorist State?”

 ZOA National President Morton A. Klein welcoming everyone in his opening address. ZOA National President Morton A. Klein showing the overwhelming size of Arab states in the Middle East compared to Israel, which is hard to find because of its small size. Ambassador Kirkpatrick stating that the Palestinian Arabs’ constant violations of the Oslo accords […]

Highlights of ZOA Mission to D.C. 2002

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein with keynote speaker Alan Keyes at the Israel Embassy in Washington, D.C. Dr. Michael Ledeen, Scholar-in-residence, American Enterprise Institute speaking at the Israel Embassy Delegations of ZOA members met with dozens of Congressmen, Senators and Legislative Directors. Above, a delegation met with Terry McNaughton, Legislative Assistant to Rep Steven […]

Special ZOA Backgrounder: Arafat’s Most Likely Successors Include Terrorists, A Holocaust-Denier, And A Spy For Saddam – Part 2 of 2: Mohammed Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub, Sari Nusseibeh

Media reports have repeatedly named six Palestinian Authority officials as the individuals most likely to succeed Yasir Arafat as chairman of the PA. (Two of them, Mahmoud Abbas and Ahmed Qurei, were recently mentioned by Arafat himself as possible successors – see Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Feb. 8, 2002.) 4. MOHAMMED DAHLAN Dahlan, 41, is chief […]

Special ZOA Backgrounder: Arafat’s Most Likely Successors Include Terrorists, A Holocaust-Denier, And A Spy For Saddam – Part 1 of 2: Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Qurei, Marwan Barghouti

Media reports have repeatedly named six Palestinian Authority officials as the individuals most likely to succeed Yasir Arafat as chairman of the PA. (Two of them, Mahmoud Abbas and Ahmed Qurei, were recently mentioned by Arafat himself as possible successors – see Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Feb. 8, 2002.) 1. MAHMOUD ABBAS Abbas, 65, also known […]