ZOA: Stop Saying That Israelis Support Establishing a Pal. State –– They Don’t
News Press Release
October 21, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has highlighted the results of a recent poll showing that three-quarters of Israelis oppose Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines and the establishment of a Palestinian state. 

 The poll, conducted on October 12-14, 2014, by Shivukim-Panorama for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, found that 74% of the Israeli Jewish public continue to oppose this course of action, while similarly opposing Israel’s withdrawal from the strategically vital Jordan Valley and the division of Jerusalem. 

 In other findings:

 ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “It is clear that an overwhelming preponderance of the Israeli Jewish population is opposed to creating a Palestinian state under prevailing conditions. Indeed, as the polls we cite below demonstrate, they have opposed this consistently for many years.

“It is clear that an overwhelming preponderance of the Israeli Jewish population is opposed to creating a Palestinian state under prevailing conditions. “

 “Israelis understand that a Palestinian Authority (PA) that turns down comprehensive offers of statehood in 2000 and again in 2008 without counter-offer, concludes unity regime agreements with the U.S.- and European Union- listed Hamas terrorist organization, repudiates instantly the recent Egyptian proposal for a Palestinian state in Gaza and part of Sinai, is not a regime interested in peace with Israel. Thus the clear majorities of Israelis shown in the polls cited below who express doubt that peace can be concluded with the PA.

 “Those individual and groups, for example, like J Street, that claim that Israelis support establishing a Palestinian state, should now publicly concede they have been mistaken. They should also clarify whether they now support or oppose the U.S. seeking to foist a Palestinian state upon Israel. At least we would then know if they abide by the views of Israelis or seek to have them overridden.”

 Previous polls demonstrating Israeli opposition to creating a Palestinian state under existing conditions:

  •  July 2013: An Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University poll found that 63% of Israeli Jews oppose a withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines with land swaps as part of any peace arrangement with the Palestinian Authority (PA), even if it meant Israel would hold onto the Etzion Bloc, directly south of Jerusalem; Ma’aleh Adumim, east of the capital; and Ariel in the central West Bank about 34 kilometers (21 miles) east of Tel Aviv. Even if Israel were to retain Etzion, Ma’aleh Adumim and Ariel, 58% of Israeli Jews oppose the dismantling of other, outlying Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria. 50% of Israeli Jews also oppose the transfer of Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem to PA control with a special arrangement for Jewish holy sites (Asher Zeiger, ‘63% of Israeli Jews oppose major West Bank pullout, poll finds,’ Times of Israel, August 6, 2013).
  •  June 2013: A Smith Research poll found that 68% of Israelis believe that Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria would harm Israeli security, whereas only 21% believe it would improve it. (Gil Hoffman, ‘Poll: 85% oppose releasing prisoners for peace,’ Jerusalem Post, June 11, 0213).
  •  January 2013: A New Wave Poll showed that 55% of Israelis believe that Mahmoud Abbas is not a peace partner, as opposed to only 33% who believed that he is (‘New Wave Poll: 55%:33.3% Abu Mazen is not a peace partner,’ Independent Media Review Analysis, January 3, 2012).
  •  January 2013: A Geocartography Poll released this week found that 45% of Israelis do not believe that the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel will solve the conflict with the Palestinians, as opposed to 40% who believed that it would (‘Geocartography Poll: 45%:40% Israelis two states is not the solution for the conflict with the Palestinians,’ Independent Media Review Analysis, January 3, 2012).
  •  December 2012: Israel TV Channel 2 poll found that an overwhelming 70% of Israelis do not believe that it possible to reach a solution to the dispute with the Palestinians in the near future, as opposed to a mere 25% who think it is ( ‘Channel 2 Poll: 70%:25% Not possible to reach solution to the dispute with the Palestinians in the near future,’ Independent Media Review Analysis, December 31, 2012).
  •  October 2011: The Peace Index Poll, conducted by the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University and the Israel Democracy Institute, found that 66% of Israelis do not believe that renewed negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) will lead to peace (66% to 31%) (‘The Peace Index: October 2011: Jews 65%: 31.4% support wide-scale military operation in Gaza,’ Independent Media Review Analysis, November 8, 2011).
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