Abbas’ Top Religious Adviser: “All Of This Land Will Return To Us”
News Press Release
December 19, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today condemned the latest statements of Holocaust-denying, terrorist-promoting Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator Mahmoud Abbas’ adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, PA Supreme Sharia Judge, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, for stating in his latest Friday sermon that Israel will disappear and that “all of this land will return to us.”

Al-Habbash said in the sermon, “All of this land will return to us, all our occupied land, all our rights in Palestine – our state, our people’s heritage, our ancestors’ legacy – all of it will return to us even if it takes time. Patience is the key to victory, and we are patient. In terms of resistance, all options are on the table, and in terms of diplomacy as well.” (Official PA Television, December 12, 2014, translation in ‘Abbas’ advisor: All of “Palestine” will “return” to Palestinians through “resistance,”’ Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) bulletin, December 16, 2014).

“It is truly remarkable that the clear objectives of dictator Abbas and his PA to promote terror, destroy Israel, and subvert peace can possibly be ignored, as it is by President Obama and virtually all other governments.”

Al-Habbash has a long record of anti-peace, extremist pronouncements, including stating last October that, “The entire land of Palestine is waqf and is blessed land… it is prohibited to sell, bestow ownership or facilitate the occupation [i.e. Israel] of even a millimeter of it.”

He also said in September, “What are we [Fatah and Hamas] divided about? Do we disagree about Jerusalem, for example? [Do we] disagree about liberating Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea?”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “It is truly remarkable that the clear objectives of dictator Abbas and his PA to promote terror, destroy Israel, and subvert peace can possibly be ignored, as it is by President Obama and virtually all other governments.

“If the PA’s senior Sharia authority and dictator Abbas’ chief religious adviser openly preaches that Israel must and will disappear and that every inch of the land of Israel belongs to the Palestinian Arabs, then no genuine peace settlement is ever possible. Why then, on earth would President Obama call Abbas a peace-maker and give U.S. tax-payer funds to the PA? 

“Why instead does President Obama condemn Israel as anti-peace when it build homes for Jews in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem that will remain under Israeli rule under any conceivable peace agreement?

“President Obama has said that he will call on the PA to account for  incitement. He never has, but he could do so right now. If he doesn’t, the U.S. Congress certainly should.”


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