ZOA Criticizes Obama for Not Attending Anti-Islamic Terrorism Rally
News Press Release
January 12, 2015

The ZOA has strongly criticized Pres. Barak Hussein Obama for refusing to attend the massive four-million strong anti-Islamic terrorism rally in France. The rally was attended by dozens of national presidents and prime ministers from around the world, including the heads of France, Germany,  England, and Israel.

Not only did Pres. Obama refuse to attend he did not even send Vice President Biden or Secretary of State Kerry or Attorney General Holder was in France for other meetings. Instead he sent a major political Obama donor, the US ambassador to France.

What a disgrace – the most important international protest in history against the frightening and expanding scourge of Islamic terrorism and the US is essentially absent, AWOL.

What a disgrace – the most important international protest in history against the frightening and expanding scourge of Islamic terrorism and the US is essentially absent, AWOL.

By this action, Pres. Obama has humiliated and embarrassed all Americans in front of the whole world while sending the wrong message to Islamic murderers.

For shame, Mr. President, have you no decency. But, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised by Pres. Obama’s lack of participation:

  1. Pres. Obama has refused during his entire presidency to even use the term Islamic terrorism.  Instead he uses terms such as ‘violent extremism’ or ‘workplace violence’. By refusing to name the enemy who is at war with the West, it makes it more difficult to focus on actions that need to be taken. France, England and other countries have publicly stated that we are at war with radical Jihadist Muslims.  Pres. Obama has refused to make this critical point.
  2. He has ordered all official military government documents to delete and never use terms like ‘Islamic terrorism’.
  3. He invited the mother of all Islamic terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood, to attend his first major speech on Muslims and the Middle East at a university in Cairo, Egypt to sit in the front rows. This is despite the fact that Egyptian Pres. Mubarak begged him not to invite the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.
  4. Although he publicly supported the rallies to oust Mubarak from power – he refused to support the rallies in Iran to out genocidal terrorist leader Ahmadinejad, claiming “it’s an internal Iranian matter.”
  5. President Obama has released numerous Islamic terrorists from the Guantanamo prison even though they were officially designated as high risk for future terrorist attacks by terrorism experts.
  6. Muslim Brotherhood members have attended meetings at the White House and with members of the National Security Council.
  7. When a radical Muslim psychiatrist murdered thirteen US soldiers at Ft. Hood, Pres. Obama simply called this ‘workplace violence’ even though the Muslim psychiatrist’s business card stated he was a ‘soldier of Allah’.
  8. Pres. Obama has pressured Israel to make one-sided concessions, but ignored the fact that the Palestinian Authority’s terrorist promoting dictator Mahmoud Abbas refused to make any concessions including fulfilling any of his obligations under the Oslo Agreements.
  9. During Pres. Obama’s campaign for President the NY Times reported (May 16, 2008) that Mr. Obama spoke of the ‘legitimate’ claims of Hezbollah and Hamas.
  10. At a meeting of the White House with Jewish Leaders, with ZOA’s Morton Klein in attendance, Pres. Obama proclaimed, “Is Israel serious about peace? You US Jewish leaders must search your souls and must talk to your Israeli friends and relatives and ask them to search their souls and ask how badly do you really want peace? Israelis think this peace process is overrated, their life is good, and things are reasonably quiet, but PA’s president Abbas is sincere about peace and everyone knows that.”
  11. President Obama has fought against additional sanctions on the terrorist funding and promoting Muslim terrorist state of Iran. He has refused to fully implement existing sanctions, after having fought Congress’ actions to enact them. He has now eliminated many of these sanctions. Pres. Obama has caved in to Iranian demands allowing them to keep their uranium (at a lower level of enrichment) while extending one negotiation deadline after another. He has more than implied that he will not use military force against them, which dramatically reduces pressure on Iran to comply. Obama has even talked about appointing a US ambassador to Iran and Iran’s becoming a more ‘important regional power’.  During these dramatically extended negotiations, Iran is likely moving forward on their nuclear program at facilities where monitoring is not permitted.
  12. Pres. Obama dismissed danger of ISIS as a JV team.
  13. He delayed sending desperately needed hellfire missiles to Israel during Hamas war against Israel last summer.
  14. He banned commercial flights to Israel during Hamas war against Israel, giving a PR victory to Hamas. 
  15. He demanded Israel accept immediate ceasefire with Hamas before Israel destroyed terror tunnels or did serious harm to Hamas terrorists.
  16. Obama demanded Israel go back to dangerous ’67 line (with minor adjustments) and give that land to Muslim terrorist regime of PA’s Mahmoud Abbas.

Why is president Obama more sensitive and sympathetic to radical Muslim terrorists than he is to the victims of radical Muslim savagery and murder?

  • Center for Law & Justice
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