ZOA Executive Committee Unanimously Supports Netanyahu Address
News Press Release
February 23, 2015

The Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) unanimously and strongly supports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to accept Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address a joint session of Congress on issues of critical importance to the US, Israel, and the world, namely radical Islamic-terrorism and the Iran nuclear threat. The New York Times has noted that Prime Minister Netanyahu did not accept the invitation until after President Obama was informed of the invitation.

Even during these negotiations with Iran the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, has called for the destruction of America and Israel, while repeatedly calling America the ‘Great Satan.’ Several months ago the Iran Defense Ministry publicly called the US Iran’s #1 enemy, while Iranian Leader Khamenei called America an “enemy who smiles”.

The Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s) that Iran is vigorously working on will be capable of reaching America within the next 12 months. The ICBM’s have one purpose -to carry unconventional weapons including nuclear weapons.

It is of critical importance that the US Congress and the American people hear what Prime Minister Netanyahu has to say about stopping this frightening threat to the US, Israel, and the world. After all, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has studied and analyzed this issue more than anyone since Israel is more directly threatened by Iran than any other country.


Morton A. Klein, National President

Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chairman, Board of Directors

Irwin Hochberg, Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors

Dr. Alan A. Mazurek, Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors

Henry Schwartz, Treasurer

Michael Orbach, Officer





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