ZOA Praises Canadian PM. Trudeau For Supporting Parliamentary Motion To Condemn BDS
News Press Release
March 1, 2016

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government for supporting a parliamentary motion condemning Canadians who promote the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The parliamentary motion, proposed by the opposition Conservative Party, and which passed by a vote of 229-51, calls upon the government to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian groups or individuals to promote BDS, which it describes as promoting the “demonization and delegitimization” of Israel (‘Trudeau Backs Conservative Motion Condemning BDS Movement Against Israel,’ February 22, 2016).


BDS as openly admitted by its founders, aims for Israel’s delegitimization and eventual elimination, while ignoring genuine human rights abuses committed by myriad other states like China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria.


BDS is simply a vicious campaign for the eventual disappearance of Israel and Jewish self-determination.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We praise and applaud Prime Minister Trudeau, as well as the Conservative Opposition which sponsored the motion, for their principled stances against the BDS campaign.


“While seeking to besmirch Israel’s reputation as a human rights-observing rule of law state, the BDS campaign ignores the genuinely racist Palestinian program seeking a Jew-free Palestinian state and the appalling, genuine human rights violations that occur in Palestinian-controlled areas. 


“BDS is simply a vicious campaign for the eventual disappearance of Israel and Jewish self-determination.


“Let’s be clear: anyone who calls Israel an apartheid state or suggests it is a variation of it, supports its disappearance, just as one would support the disappearance of the apartheid regime in South Africa.”

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