Major Democrat Donor Saban: Ellison is an Anti-Semite
News Press Release
December 5, 2016

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

Even more reasons have emerged why Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) must be rejected as chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

During a question-and-answer period with Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum, philanthropist and leading Democratic donor Haim Saban, who contributed $12.5 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, stated: “If you go back to [Ellison’s] positions, his papers, his speeches, the way he has voted – he is clearly an anti-Semite, an anti-Israel individual. Words matter, and actions matter more.  Keith Ellison would be a disaster for the relationship between the Jewish community and the Democratic Party.”  (See Haim Saban: Keith Ellison ‘is Clearly an anti-Semite and anti-Israel Individual‘,” by Eugene Scott, CNN, Dec. 3, 2016.)

In addition, the full audiotape of Keith Ellison’s statements at a 2010 for Ellison’s re-election held by radical Islamist Dr. Esam Omeish, reveals Ellison making numerous anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments.  (See Full Audio of Keith Ellison’s Remarks at Esam Omeish Fundraiser,” IPT News, Mar. 23, 2010.)  Omeish was previously caught on tape telling Washington-area Muslims: “jihad way is the way to liberate your land.”  (See “IPT Footage Takes Omeish Down,” IPT News, Sept. 27, 2007.)

Ellison’s audiotape statements included the following:

  • Ellison disparaged AIPAC, and noted that he only attends AIPAC dinners to see what the opposition is saying.  Ellison stated:
Saban:”Cong. Ellison would be a disaster for the relationship between the Jewish community and the Democratic party.”

Some of you might be a little upset to know that I went [to the AIPAC annual policy conference dinner]. But I always go and I am going to tell you why I go. Because I want to know what’s going on. [Laughter.] Correct? I want to hear what everybody has to say . . . You should know that they only got one issue – and that is to try to say that whatever Israel does is just fine.  But I want you to know there is a growing awareness in the US Congress and in the executive branch that everything anyone does, including Israel, is not fine.” 

  • Ellison wrongly claimed that “East Jerusalem” was part of “Palestine” (a non-existent entity).”  In addition, Ellison falsely called Jews building homes in their own capital city “colonizing.”  Ellison stated:

[T] his effort to stop settlements throughout East Jerusalem and throughout the rest of Palestine cannot be something that only the President carries on his shoulders. The American people have got to stand up and say something.  And who’s going to say something if you don’t say something? . . .suspend your building houses, colonizing what will be the future state of Palestine?”

  • Ellison also demanded a stop to U.S. military aid to Israel, and portrayed Israel as a greedy, petulant child that says “we want our money now.”   Ellison said:

Stop, you know why are we sending a mill-, $2.8 billion dollars a year over there [to Israel] when they won’t even honor our request to stop building in East Jerusalem? . . .  So it’s the right time. It’s the right time. Because now, all we got to do is stand up next to the President. We don’t have to even get out front on this issue. . . . Now this has happened before. They [Israel or Jews] beat back a President before. Bush 41 said – stop, and they said – we don’t want to stop, and by the way we want our money and we want it now. [Ellison laughs.] Right? You know, I mean we can’t allow, we’re Americans, right? We can’t allow another country to treat us like we’re their ATM. Right? And so we ought to stand up as Americans. . . . [T]his is our home. Right? All of our home equally, and we can’t allow it to be disrespected because some, by a country that we’re paying money to.”

  • Ellison also bragged about organizing opposition to a Congressional resolution that denounced the libelous Goldstone Report.  (Note:  The Goldstone Report libeled Israel by alleging war crimes by Israel and Hamas during the Israel’s military operations in Gaza during December 2008-January 2009.  The report’s author subsequently repudiated the report’s allegations against Israel.)  Ellison stated:

I claimed time in opposition to their resolution to denounce the Goldstone Report.  You following me?  And we organized a bunch of speakers to say, why are you going to denounce a report that you haven’t even read? Right? Just because somebody says so? Please. You know? We’re not trained seals here, I hope, jumping through hoops of fire, right?”

  • Ellison also bragged about spearheading the infamous “Gaza 54” letter that urged Pres. Obama to pressure Israel to lift the Gaza weapons blockade (which would enable Hamas to obtain more weapons with which to murder Jews).  Ellison stated:

“[W]e got 54 people to sign a letter saying it’s wrong and you need to open up the [Gaza] crossings right away.  Of course, these people who are meeting today [AIPAC], you know, call us the Hamas 54 (Ellison laughs), with you understand what I am saying, which is ridiculous.  So what they’re saying is, anybody who even asks for children to have human rights is a terrorist. (man says, or anti-Semitic). Right. Or anti-Semitic.”

  • Ellison also called jihad-promoter Esam Omeish his “beloved brother.”  Ellison said:

I just want to again thank Dr. Omeish, and let brother Esam know that he is my beloved brother. [Esam Omeish says, ‘Same here’ (crosstalk over few words).] And I love you and you are the best and your family is so beautiful.”

Ellison should clearly not be permitted to serve as DNC chair.

Also see:  “ZOA: Don’t Appoint Israel-Basher Cong. Keith Ellison Chair of the Democratic National Committee,” Nov. 18, 2016; “The Ellison Challenge,” by Carolyn Glick, Jerusalem Post, Nov. 18, 2016; “The ADL’s Praise of Keith Ellison Betrays Its Mission to Combat Antisemitism,” by Morton A. Klein, Algemeiner, Nov. 23, 2016; Rep. Keith Ellison, the Islamists’ Man on Capitol Hill,” IPT News, Nov. 23, 2009; ZOA: Former ADL Head Abe Foxman, Prof. Dershowitz, Assemblyman Hikind, Muslim Leader/Reformer Dr. Jasser: Keith Ellison Dangerous Choice to Chair DNC,” Nov. 28, 2016; “ZOA: More Reasons to Reject Ellison For DNC Chair – Called for Separate Black Country in US,” Dec. 2, 2016; and “IPT Exclusive: In Private Fundraiser, Ellison Blasted Israeli Influence Over U.S. Policy,” by Steven Emerson, IPT News, Nov. 29, 2016.

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