Newsmax: ZOA Demands MSNBC Joy Reid Apologize for Insensitive Nazi Joke
ZOA in the news
September 1, 2017

The Zionist Organization of America is demanding MSNBC’s Joy Reid apologize and retract an insensitive tweet that referenced Nazis while joking about the resignation of Dr. Sebastian Gorka from President Donald Trump’s administration.

Reid claimed Gorka was fired (he actually resigned) and tweeted, “#DidNaziThatComing” as part of her comment.

Gorka was the deputy assistant to the president and is an adjunct faculty member at Georgetown.

According to the ZOA, Gorka is a pro-Israel fighter against Islamic terrorism and his father helped Jews during the Holocaust. Gorka has given strong pro-Israel speeches at the ZOA Pro-Israel Mission to Washington and the Jerusalem Post pro-Israel Conference.

Gorka is a pro-Israel fighter against Islamic terrorism and his father helped Jews during the Holocaust. Gorka has given strong pro-Israel speeches at the ZOA Pro-Israel Mission to Washington and the Jerusalem Post pro-Israel Conference.

The ZOA found the tweet offensive and in poor taste, with an implication that Gorka is a Nazi, which the organization strongly stated was not at all true. In addition, the ZOA stated Reid had shown hostility toward Israel on other occasions, lambasting the Jewish state for its response to Hamas rocket attacks as causing Arab deaths equivalent to “100 9/11’s.”

The ZOA pointed out Israel was acting to end thousands of rocket attacks on Israeli citizens and that it warned Arabs ahead of time to leave the area to avoid being hurt or killed.

“What armed forces on earth would have done that?” the statement read. “Israel is the most moral armed forces the world has ever known. Many military people have cited this fact.”

Twitter followers did not appreciate Reid’s joke either, and called her out on it in force.

This article was published by Newsmax and may be found here.

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