ZOA Demands MSNBC’s Joy Reid Apologize/Retract Insensitive Nazi Joke
News Press Release Uncategorized
August 31, 2017

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and I, Morton Klein, as a child of Holocaust survivors who lost most of my family to Nazis, are appalled by MSNBC Joy Reid’s insensitive/ugly/false tweet utilizing a Nazi joke to attack the pro-Israel, anti-jihadist Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States and adjunct faculty member at Georgetown. Reid also has a history of hostility toward the Jewish State of Israel.

Referring to Dr. Gorka’s resignation (not fired as she wrongly claims), Reid states that she didn’t anticipate Gorka leaving by tweeting, “#Did NAZI that coming.” Very unfunny and painful, especially to Jewish people. Of course, this clearly more than implies the dangerous lie that Gorka is a Nazi.  I know Dr. Gorka.  He is a pro-Israel fighter against the evil of radical Islamic terrorism.  His father worked to help Jews during the Holocaust and was honored by the Budapest Jewish community after the war. He has given strongly pro-Israel speeches at the ZOA Pro-Israel Mission to Washington and at the Jerusalem Post pro-Israel Conference showing a great love and support for the Jewish State.

Reid stated she didn’t anticipate Gorka leaving, tweeting “#Did NAZI that coming”..  Reid shows hostility toward the Jewish State and complained about Sen Cruz anti-BDS stand.

Ms. Reid has also shown enormous enmity towards the Jewish State of Israel.  She bitterly complained that Israel’s response to stop the terrorist group Hamas’ rocket attacks on Israeli innocent civilians caused so many Arab deaths that it amounted to a “population equivalent of 100 9/11’s.”  Reid ignored the fact that Israel was trying to end the thousands of rocket attacks on innocent Israeli citizens by terrorist group Hamas at the time.  If there were no Hamas attacks, there would have been no Israeli response. And, Israel even warned Arabs to evacuate the area before striking there. What armed forces on earth would have done that eliminating the power of surprise?! Israel is the most moral armed forces the world has ever known. Many military people have cited this fact.

Joy Reid has also complained about Senator Ted Cruz’s opposition to BDS, the anti-Semitic boycott of the Jewish State, whose goal –as its leaders state — is to destroy Israel.

And now Reid makes an insensitive, ugly Nazi joke.  Her hostility to the Jewish people is continuing, frightening, appalling and intolerable. It must finally stop. MSNBC would never tolerate the same callous and dangerous enmity toward African Americans, Hispanics, gays, trans, or women —they should never tolerate it toward Jews. FBI statistics show that over 50% of all religious hate crimes are committed against Jews — not Muslims, not Christians, not Hindus, not Buddhists, etc.

The ZOA urges MSNBC’s Joy Reid to publicly apologize and retract her sickening Nazi joke.  ZOA urges Reid’s MSNBC sponsors to discontinue support of her show until she does.

ZOA also urges that Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL speak out on this issue.

  • Center for Law & Justice
    We work to educate the American public and Congress about legal issues in order to advance the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.
    We assist American victims of terrorism in vindicating their rights under the law, and seek to hold terrorists and sponsors of terrorism accountable for their actions.
    We fight anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses.
    We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.