ZOA Troubled that ADL/Jonathan Greenblatt & J St. Condemn Fred Fleitz, A Great Pro-Israel NSC Appointment
News Press Release
May 31, 2018

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

It is deeply troubling/mystifying that the left-wing Anti-Defamation League (“ADL”), ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt and extremist anti-Israel George Soros-funded J Street issued statements yesterday condemning pro-Israel Fred Fleitz’s appointment as Chief of Staff of the National Security Council (“NSC”).  This position of ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt and extremist J Street is harmful to Israel and America. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a radical Islamist anti-Israel group and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial for funneling money to Hamas, also strongly opposed the appointment of this strong supporter of Israel. 

I (Mort Klein) know Fred Fleitz personally: Mr. Fleitz is a strong supporter of Israel, understands the reality and dangers of the Arab Islamic war against Israel, and is an expert on the Iranian (and North Korean) nuclear threats.  The former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Ambassador Peter Hoekstra stated that Fred Fleitz is a playing a key role in imposing maximum sanctions on Iran, and that “Fred has either worked for me [Hoekstra] or with me for the last 13 plus years.  His experience and in depth knowledge on a wide range of issues, including the threats from Iran and terrorism, will be a real asset to President Trump’s national security team.” (“Obama Allies Scheme to Kneecap Trump’s New National Security Team,” by Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon, May 31, 2018.)

Mr. Fleitz is a strong supporter of Israel, understands the reality and dangers of the Arab Islamic war against Israel, and is an expert on the Iranian (and North Korean) nuclear threats… It is disturbing that ADL is taking the same wrong, harmful tack as Israel bashers J Street and CAIR.

Yet, ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted the following false accusation condemning Mr. Fleitz:  

@JGreenblattADL: Fred Fleitz is a Senior VP at the Center for Security Policy, an Islamophobic, conspiracy-promoting org that says America is under threat from “implementation of Islamic law.” It’s disturbing he’s been named chief of staff of the National Security Council.”  (@JGreenblattADL, 10:32 AM – 30 May 2018)

In fact, the Center for Security Policy (CSP) is a highly respected national security organization, headed by Frank Gaffney, who is a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; former chairman of the High Level Group (NATO’s senior politico-military committee); former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy; and a former Senate Armed Services Committee professional staff member.  

ADL National also issued a press release condemning Fred Fleitz and the Center for Security Policy with similar wrong accusations.  Likewise, Soros-funded J Street’s tweet wrongly condemned Fred Fleitz and CSP.  Notably, J Street’s tweet cited ADL National as its major source – an indication of the harm stemming from ADL’s harmful and inappropriate position that could be hurtful to Israel and America.  

CAIR’s press release the same day similarly falsely condemned Fred Fleitz and the Center for Security Policy, for “anti-Muslim hate” etc.  And both ADL’s and CAIR’s press releases sought to have Fred Fleitz fired.  (ADL wrote that Fleitz should be “automatically disqualified.”) 

It is disturbing that ADL is taking the same wrong, harmful tack as Israel bashers J Street and CAIR. (See ZOA’s recent detailed exposé entitled “J Street Sides with Israel’s Enemies & Works to Destroy Support for Israel”; and the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s report entitled “CAIR Exposed,” discussing CAIR’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. )

Eminent Muslim reformer Dr. M. Zhudi Jasser tweeted regarding ADL’s/Greenblatt’s hurtful false statements:

Do you folks @ADL_National now simply get your press releases written for you by @CAIRnational or other MB legacy groups? Or are they on staff? Can u identify single quotation from @FredFleitz to justify this nonsense? Not to mention his decades of government service. Shameful.”

(@DrZuhdiJasser 2:30 PM – 30 May 2018)

Highly respected Jerusalem Post senior editor Caroline Glick also expressed her strong criticism of ADL’s condemnation of Fred Fleitz’s appointment, by adding to a retweet of Dr. Jasser: 

Can we now all agree that @ADL_National is not a Jewish organization but a leftist group and that @JGreenblattADL is not a Jewish leader but a leftist who works for a leftist group?


(@CarolineGlick, 5/31/18, 3:17 AM)

At ZOA, we find it disturbing and revealing that when responding to a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people whom ADL claims is critical of radical Muslims, ADL has chosen to take a position sympathetic and beneficial to radical Muslims, rather than sympathetic and beneficial to Jews and the Jewish State. This occurred recently when ADL wrongly criticized pro-Israel pro-American-security Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s confirmation, pro-Israel Frank Gaffney, and pro-Israel Brigitte Gabriel and her organization Act for America.  And now, even though Fred Fleitz is extraordinarily strong on Israel, and on exposing and opposing Iran’s genocidal nuclear ambitions, ADL sides with CAIR and radical Muslims and Soros funded J St – and not with ZOA and pro-Israel, pro-American interests. 

The ZOA proudly congratulates Fred Fleitz on his appointment as NSC Chief of Staff (COS), and thanks top NSC Adviser Ambassador John Bolton and President Donald Trump for making this outstanding appointment.  COS Fleitz is eminently qualified for this post.  He is a former CIA analyst, Undersecretary of State, Senior Vice President at Center for Security Policy, and expert on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s and North Korea’s nuclear threats to the United States and our allies. 

National security expert Fred Fleitz’s prescience on nuclear issues is vital to America’s and Israel’s security.  Newsmax explained early this month that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new revelations about the “possible military dimensions” (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear program at Iran’s Parchin military site, based on the treasure trove of Iranian nuclear documents recently obtained by Israel, confirmed Fred Fleitz’s prior warnings about an Iranian nuclear cover-up, set forth in Mr. Fleitz’s 2016 book, entitled “Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud.”  (“Fred Fleitz: Obama ‘Blatantly Ignored’ Iran’s Nuclear Violations,” by David A. Patten, Newsmax, May 5, 2018.)  

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