ZOA Condemns Islamic Jihadist Slaughter of Over 120 Nigerian Christians-Why No Outcry?
News Press Release
March 19, 2019

Zionist Organization of America and its National President Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. condemn with all our hearts the horrific massacres in Nigeria of over 120 innocent Christians since February, carried out by radical Muslim Fulani herdsman-terrorists. Militant Islamist Fulani herdsmen reportedly killed thousands of Christians last year, and more than 60,000 people since 2001.  

Radical Muslim Fulani militants have slaughtered Christians during Church services, at and after funerals, and in the middle of the night, and have also burned down churches and hundreds of Christian homes. The Fulani attacks are in addition to the slaughters perpetrated by the radical Islamist Boko Haram terrorist organization.  -(See, e.g., Nigerian Christians Under Siege: Attacks Claim 120 Lives Since February,” CBN News, Mar. 17, 2019; “Radical Muslims Murder More Than 30 Nigerian Christians,Torch Church in Brutal Attack,” CBN News, Mar. 4, 2019; “Nigerian Mass Becomes a Massacre: Herdsmen Kill 18 Worshipers, Adding to Hundreds of Victims,” Apr. 25, 2018.) 

We send our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the murdered Christians. The vicious murderous Islamist terrorists who perpetrated this monstrous act are nothing less than evil scum that must be purged from the face of the earth.

Why is the world silent in the face of these ongoing massacres of Christians? It’s not a one-time attack, it’s happening regularly.  

The Jewish community is especially sensitive to such horrible religious hate crimes and murders, since almost 60% of all religious hate crimes in America are committed against Jews.

There has been little media coverage and condemnations of the radical Islamist slaughters of Christians. ZOA urges all American Jewish organizations and all American organizations and media and political leaders and rabbis and imams and Christian leaders to join ZOA in condemning the horrific slaughters by radical Islamists of Christians in Nigeria and elsewhere and demand that everything be done to arrest these murderers and stop the carnage!

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