ZOA’s Tuchman/Klein JPost Op-Ed: “College Leaders: Stop Antisemitism on Campus.”
News Op-Ed
September 21, 2020

The antisemitism that Rose Ritch endured at the University of Southern California (USC) has been all over the media. Ritch recently resigned as vice president of USC’s undergraduate student government after she was harassed for months by fellow students for one reason only: Ritch is proudly Jewish and openly expresses her Jewish identity by supporting the Jewish state of Israel.

Students launched an aggressive social media campaign against Ritch to “impeach her Zionist ass.” Heartbreakingly, Ritch felt that she had to resign, to protect her physical safety and mental health.

Ritch’s ordeal is outrageous and unacceptable. But sadly, it’s not surprising or new. Ritch is the latest example of what Jewish students have been enduring on their campuses for years.

Consider, for example, what happened in 2015 to UCLA student Rachel Beyda, whose application to serve on the Student Council’s Judicial Board was initially rejected after several council members questioned her fitness based on her identity as a Jew. Beyda was asked, “Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community, how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?”

Beyda’s expression of her Jewish identity – she belonged to a Jewish sorority and was involved in UCLA’s Hillel – had absolutely nothing to do with her fitness to serve on the judicial board. She was eminently qualified to serve. But that didn’t stop antisemites from bullying Beyda and trying to derail her nomination simply because she proudly affiliated with her Jewish community.

Consider, too, what happened to Jesse Arm in 2015 when he was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan. Members of an antisemitic, anti-Israel student group on campus (“Students Allied for Freedom and Equality,” or SAFE) instigated what can truly be described as a witch hunt against Arm. They called for his removal from his position in the student government simply because he exercised his right to object to the timing, taste and appropriateness of an anti-Israel display in the center of the campus. SAFE set up the display on the very same day that two deadly terrorist attacks occurred in Israel, killing five people.

The university leadership did not protect Arm’s legal right to express his views, even when the student government forced Arm to appear before its ethics committee to determine whether he engaged in unethical behavior or conduct unbefitting a student government representative, and should be punished. Arm was ultimately exonerated, but that he was besieged simply because he exercised his right to condemn Israel-bashing is a disgrace.

All of these situations were plainly motivated by antisemitism. Nothing else. So why do they recur? Why is the recent persecution of Rose Ritch the latest in a long history of harassment directed against students simply because they are proud Jews and proud supporters of the Jewish state?

ONE REASON is the failure of university leaders to take the steps that are morally and legally required under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, to assure students a campus environment that is safe and welcoming to them as Jews. There are numerous examples of university leaders quickly and appropriately responding when other groups are targeted and harassed. But they react less forcefully or are even silent when the targets of the bullying are Jews.

In response to Rachel Beyda’s ordeal, however, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block merely issued a statement weakly saying he was “troubled by recent incidents of bias” on campus. Block did not condemn the perpetrators’ conduct, simply describing it as “unfair.” He did not even mention antisemitism.

In Jesse Arm’s case, University of Michigan president Mark Schlissel issued no statement at all. In fact, months after Arm’s nightmare, SAFE erected an anti-Israel “apartheid wall” on Rosh Hashanah, in the center of the campus. They assembled Israel-bashers dressed up as IDF soldiers who yelled at students passing by.

Anguished Jewish students implored Schlissel to speak up. He didn’t, even though just one week before, he did speak up when black students were targeted. After racist flyers were found on campus, Schlissel issued a statement that “behavior that seeks to intentionally cause pain to members of our community is reprehensible.” Yet he failed to acknowledge the pain that SAFE deliberately caused to the Jewish community, or condemn SAFE for its disgraceful actions.

In response to Rose Ritch’s harassment, USC president Carol Folt issued a statement expressing her belief that “it is critically important to state explicitly and unequivocally that antisemitism in all of its forms is a profound betrayal of our principles and has no place at the university.” Yet Folt failed to explicitly acknowledge that antisemitism was a problem on her own campus. And she failed to make it clear to her community that anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism are forms of antisemitism that USC won’t tolerate.

Not one of these university leaders made sure that their rules and policies against harassment and discrimination were enforced. Had they done so, the perpetrators of the antisemitism would have been punished for their actions, and the rest of the university community would then have gotten the message that if you harass and discriminate against students because of their Jewish identity, you will bear consequences.

USC’s Folt did announce a new “Stronger than Hate” program and invited the community to participate. That’s not enough. If they are truly committed to addressing antisemitism, university leaders must mandate training on antisemitism for students, staff and faculty. The training must differentiate between legitimate criticism of Israel and criticism that is a mask for Jew-hatred. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism is an excellent frame of reference.

Rose Ritch is the latest example of Jewish students who are being bullied for expressing their Jewish identity. University leaders must do everything they can to ensure that she’s the last.

Susan B. Tuchman is a director at the Center for Law and Justice; Morton A. Klein is the national president of the Zionist Organization of America.

This op-ed was originally published in The Jerusalem Post and can be found here.

  • Center for Law & Justice
    We work to educate the American public and Congress about legal issues in order to advance the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.
    We assist American victims of terrorism in vindicating their rights under the law, and seek to hold terrorists and sponsors of terrorism accountable for their actions.
    We fight anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses.
    We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.