ZOA Urges: Biden Must Fire Tyler Cherry, His New Assoc. Communications Director – Who Called for Israel’s Elimination
News Press Release
June 27, 2024

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research and Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement:

President Biden’s promotion of Israel-hater Tyler Cherry to become Associate Communications Director at the White House has expanded Biden’s huge circle of anti-Israel appointees in high-level positions. (See ZOA’s Biden Hostile-to-Israel Appointments Watch webpage.) ZOA urges Biden to promptly fire Cherry, instead of promoting him.

Cherry’s tweets called to eliminate Israel, ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) and the “police state,” and to block arms sales to Israel. Cherry’s years of tweets were also full of false, vitriolic, antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-U.S., anti-Republican, anti-white and anti-police accusations. Cherry also defended and praised uber-antisemite Linda Sarsour.

On Sunday and Monday (June 23-24), Cherry hurriedly deleted 2,500 incriminating tweets, and posted an unconvincing general disclaimer on X, saying: “Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period. I support this Administration’s agenda. . .” It is simply implausible that Cherry has suddenly changed his extremist and longstanding hateful antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-police, etc. views. And it is sickening that White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates stated: “We’re very proud to have Tyler on the team.” The White House should be firing Cherry instead of lauding him.

Cherry’s hateful anti-Israel tweets included:

  • “Cheersing [sic] in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine – no shame and f*** your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine.”
  • “Shameful voidance and disregard for civilian casualties in Palestine from ‘champions’ of Dem ideals.” [Cherry’s response to a tweet about then-Senator Barbara Boxer’s support for Israel]
  • “The right can’t STAND to see a fierce Muslim woman [Linda Sarsour] at the helm of the resistance and thus have to make s*** up to smear her #IMarchWithLinda.”
  • Complaining in 2014 that the U.S. “Yet continues to let Israeli forces restock their arsenals with US ammunition and weapons…”

Ironically, Tyler Cherry minored in college in gender studies, and is gay. Yet his tweets supported (and he likely still supports) the positions of the very same groups (Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, terror-sponsor Iran) which would mete out a grisly death to Cherry simply because he is gay if he visited Gaza, the PA or Iran.

During the past three years, Cherry worked for Biden’s Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland. As ZOA previously documented, Halland has her own hateful record of antisemitism and hostility to Israel. Halland signed joint letters with Ilhan Omar (D-MN), AOC (D-NY), and Betty McCollum (MN-04), etc., falsely accusing Israeli settlers of violence against Palestinian Arabs and opposing Israel’s rights to Judea/Samaria; refused to acknowledge that Ilhan Omar’s “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby” tweet naming a Jewish organization was antisemitic; and tweeted that she was mourning for “60 Palestinians in Gaza” when even Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad admitted that almost all of these Gazan casualties were combatants in their terror organizations.

Cherry also tweeted (see, e.g., here and here):

  • “Police = slave patrols. Voter ID = poll taxes.”
  • “Apt time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs”
  • “Abolish ICE”
  • “The Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics”
  • And Cherry even condemned his own family, saying: “Why is my whole family RACIST?!”, and gloated on X about ruining his family’s Thanksgiving dinner.

Simply put, Cherry needs to be fired, immediately!

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