Gov. Walz Needs to Condemn Oct. 7-Supporting & Hitler-Promoting Imam Asad Zaman Whom Walz Repeatedly Praised and Funded
News Press Release
August 16, 2024

Disclaimer: ZOA does not endorse or reject candidates for political office. ZOA’s discussion of any issue or statement should not be deemed to be an endorsement or rejection of any candidate’s bid for office.

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

It is shocking to see the video that the Washington Examiner recently brought to light of Governor Tim Walz praising as a “master teacher”, and repeatedly praising teachings and lessons of, the radical Director of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota (MAS MN) Imam Asad Zaman. It’s equally concerning to learn about Walz giving Imam Zaman major podiums (including the invocation for the Walz’s State of the State address); and giving MAS MN a $100,000 grant.

Imam Zaman distributed a pro-Hitler video; endorsed a post saying “Palestine has the right to defend itselfon October 7, 2023 when Hamas, PIJ, Fatah and Gazan civilians slaughtered 1,200 Israelis, wounded 5,000 more and took over 250 hostages; and shared his organization, MAS MN’s October 7 statement “reaffirm[ing] its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation.” Imam Zaman’s October 7 MAS MN statement outrageously reversed the victim and perpetrator, by accusing Israel of “unprovoked attacks on Palestinian areas” and committing “atrocities”; and also attempted to undermine areas of Middle East peace by “urg[ing] Arab and Muslim nations with normalized relations with Israel to reconsider their stance.”

The Harris-Walz campaign’s recent attempted “damage control” statement, that Governor Walz “has no personal relationship” with terror-praising Imam Asad Zaman, is insufficient. Whether Gov. Walz’s relationship with Imam Zaman is “personal” or professional is irrelevant. The campaign’s statement does not undo the harm caused by Gov. Walz’s praise and support for radical Imam Zaman and MAS MN. ZOA therefore demands Governor Walz to specifically condemn Imam Zaman and Zaman’s antisemitic and anti-Israel statements.

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