JNS: ZOA’s Mort Klein Will Highlight These Issues After Yesterday Being Reelected President by An Overwhelming Majority, Beginning His 32nd Year as President
October 1, 2024

By JNS Staff

(September 30, 2024 / JNS) The Zionist Organization of America announced that Morton Klein was reelected by an “overwhelming majority” to an “unprecedented” 12th term as the more than 125-year-old nonprofit’s national president.

The vote came at ZOA’s triennial election on Sunday evening, at which Klein at his slate of officers and Board members were elected with about 90% of the vote, ZOA said.

Klein told JNS that he intends to push the Biden administration on how it responds to Iran, Israel and Jew-hatred.

“I’m doing all I can to stop this administration intentionally ignoring the sanctions on Iran that the previous administration put in place and to stop allowing Iran access to funds in U.S. banks,” he said. “In addition, we’re fighting to stop this administration from slow-walking arms and ammunition to Israel, as well as refusing Israel to have important weapons and to stop pressuring Israel to not do all it needs to do to crush Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran.”

“We are also working hard against establishing a Palestinian Arab terror state,” he added. “Also, we are filing many lawsuits under Title VI against universities to protect Jewish students from Jew-hatred on campus and educating students about the monstrous antisemitic lies of occupation, Jerusalem, apartheid and genocide.”

This article was originally published in JNS and can be viewed here.

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