After Sinwar’s Elimination, Biden Should Demand Hamas’ Surrender and Release of Hostages – and Should Stop Pressuring Israel
News Press Release
October 21, 2024

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

Yahya Sinwar’s demise is the time to demand Hamas’ unconditional surrender and the immediate release of every hostage. It’s not a time to pressure Israel into a ceasefire deal or into giving Palestinian Arabs an Iranian-proxy terror state, as President Joe Biden and his administration are doing.

Shamefully, after learning that terror mastermind Yahya Sinwar was eliminated, President Biden told Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu: “Now is the time to move on — move on, move towards a ceasefire in Gaza.” Other administration officials similarly urged that Sinwar’s death was an opportunity “to finally end the war in Gaza” and to give the “Palestinian people . . . their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination” (meaning, a Palestinian Arab Hamas-Fatah terror state on land to which Israel has the lawful right). As Politico reported: “The Biden administration is engaging in a public campaign to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to use Sinwar’s death as a reason to agree to a ceasefire and end the hostilities.

The Biden ceasefire deal would enable Hamas and other Palestinian Arab terror groups to survive and rebuild their genocidal garrisons; enable an Iranian-proxy Palestinian Arab terror state on Israel’s rightful land; free close to 6,000 Palestinian Arab terrorists convicted of murdering, injuring and attempting to murder Israelis; and leave the hostages to continue to be starved, tortured and killed in Hamas custody for months and dribbled out at a snail’s pace – if ever. (See ZOA Condemns Biden’s Outrageous, Dangerous Israeli Surrender Deal Which Empowers Hamas,” June 1, 2024.)

The Biden administration isn’t even pushing for improving any ceasefire deal now that Yahya Sinwar is dead. In a press gaggle on October 18, White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby stated: “I suspect that if and when we can get those [ceasefire] talks back in place, the starting point will be where we left it.”

Yahya Sinwar, a.k.a. “the Butcher of Khan Younis,” is “Exhibit 1” regarding the dangers of the Biden ceasefire deal. After being convicted of murdering two Israelis and others, Yahya Sinwar was released in a hostage deal in 2011, and then went on to mastermind the October 7, 2023 rape, torture, burnings, beheadings and murder of 1,200 innocent Israelis, Americans and others, and the abduction of 250 innocent Israelis, Americans and other hostages.

Promoting a Palestinian Arab state is especially abhorrent when the Palestinian Authority—which Biden/Harris want to rule Gaza and such a state—is now busy eulogizing terror mastermind Yahya Sinwar as a “martyr” and “great national leader”; makes it clear that it will only rule together with Hamas, and entered into a unity deal with Hamas in July.

Part of the Biden pitch for a ceasefire is their claim that Hamas has been “decimated.” But a ceasefire deal will enable Hamas to rebuild its genocidal garrison. Gazans are widely praising Sinwar as a “hero.” Hamas vowed that Sinwar’s death would only strengthen the movement, and added that Hamas wouldn’t compromise on conditions to reach a ceasefire deal.

Hamas is as committed as ever to murdering innocent Jews, Christians and others. The evil terrorists in line to become Hamas’ next leader include:

  • Yahya’s younger brother Mohammed Sinwar (who is reputed to be even worse – if that’s possible – than Yahya was);
  • Hamas co-founder Mousa Abu Marzouk (who emphasizes that “the Zionist entity” will be destroyed);
  • Khaled Meshaal (who urged other Arabs and Muslims to join the battle against Israel after October 7 – and is now rumored to be Sinwar’s successor);
  • Yahya Sinwar’s deputy Khalil Al Hayya (who, from the safety of Qatar, stated in a video last week that no hostages would be released unless Israel’s “aggression” stops); and
  • Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar (who promoted murdering Israeli children and October 7; and calls for both eliminating Israel as well as eliminating “treacherous Christianity” from the entire planet Earth).

One week after Nazi leader Adolph Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker as the Allied forces were closing in on him, Germany signed documents unconditionally surrendering to the Allies. The surrender documents required all German military forces to cease operations and to carry out any further orders of the Allied forces. Hamas’ unconditional surrender and immediate release of the hostages is likewise what needs to happen here.

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