It Will Strengthen Hezbollah and 80,000 Northern Israelis Won’t be Able to Return to Their Homes, and It Will CAUSE MORE WAR!
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:
This is not the time for Israel to leave Lebanon. ZOA urges Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stand strong against Hezbollah’s demands that Israel must leave southern Lebanon by Sunday.
The safety of northern Israel requires that the Prime Minister must stand strong – regardless of any pressures placed on him. Hezbollah operatives and weapons caches are still heavily present in southern Lebanon, in violation of the ceasefire deal. If Israel leaves southern Lebanon now, it will remain unsafe for the 80,000 Israelis displaced from northern Israel by Hezbollah rockets to return to their homes. There will be more war, rockets and terror attacks on Israel from Lebanon if Israel leaves prematurely. The Prime Minister’s father would have wanted him to stand strong on this vital matter.
Moreover, if the reports are true that the U.S. administration is joining Hezbollah in its demand, ZOA urgently calls on the U.S. administration to cease taking this dangerous position. If the administration truly wishes to bring peace to the Middle East, the administration needs to put all the pressure on the Hezbollah terrorists causing the war and terror, and the Lebanese government which allows Hezbollah to operate. Israel’s presence and efforts to remove the continuing Hezbollah threat from southern Lebanon are necessary for peace and for Israel’s and America’s safety and security, and surely should not be opposed.
We must never forget how Hezbollah perpetrated U.S. embassy and military barracks bombings and numerous other attacks – murdering hundreds of Americans!