Israeli MK Danny Danon Endorses ZOA in WZC Elections
News Press Release
April 3, 2015

Dear Friends,

As chairman of World Likud, I would like to ask you to join me in supporting the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) slate, headed by ZOA President Mort Klein, in the upcoming World Zionist Congress elections.

Your vote for the ZOA slate is extremely important. In these trying times, when Israel is being subjected to unprecedented pressures to relinquish cherished parts of our homeland and to make concessions that endanger our security, and worldwide anti-Semitism is surging, we need strong leadership. We need to elect a slate that will make the decisions that protect the land and people of Israel, and Jews throughout the world.

I have known the ZOA and Mort Klein for over twenty years, and have witnessed the numerous battles that the ZOA has fought and won for the Zionist cause. I am certain that the ZOA slate will make the right decisions at the World Zionist Congress to protect our people, our nation, our children’s Zionist education, and our future.

The World Zionist Congress election will take place from January 13, 2015 through April 30, 2015.

Please vote for the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) slate here:

Warm regards and Chag Sameach,Danny DanonChairman, World Likud

Former Deputy Minister of Defense, Israel

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