Iran Planning To Fund Palestinian Terror Groups
News Press Release
February 23, 2016

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) points to reports indicating that the Shia extremist Iranian regime seeks to give aid to Palestinian terrorist groups to assist families of terrorists who have been killed in the process of murdering and maiming Israelis. The ZOA previously predicted that windfalls for terrorist groups would be an inevitable product of the Vienna nuclear agreement concluded last year.

A delegation of terrorist organizations, including representatives from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, who were invited to participate in the 37th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, recently met with the Speaker of the Iranian majlis (the Islamic Consultative Assembly), Ali Larijani. Larijani was reported  to have expressed an intention to give financial aid to the families of terrorists who committed attacks against Israelis and were killed in the process of what he termed as the al-Quds intifada (Dalit Halevi, ‘Iran promises more financial aid to Palestinian terrorists,’ Israel National News, February 14, 2016).

We now see emerging some of the catastrophic effects of the Iran nuclear deal, signed last year in Vienna, which could have been, and indeed were, predicted by many, including the ZOA at the time.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We now see emerging some of the catastrophic effects of the Iran nuclear deal, signed last year in Vienna, which could have been, and indeed were, predicted by many, including the ZOA at the time.

“As we then argued, the Iranian nuclear deal, even had it been watertight and sound with respect to Iran’s nuclear weapons program, is nonetheless a disaster because the massive sanctions relief for Iran encompassed by the agreement will provide Iran with tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange assets around the world.

“As ZOA wrote in the Washington Times at the time, ‘This will be used to increase funding of Iran’s long-standing campaigns of international terrorism, backing for proxies such as Syria’s Assad regime, the Shia Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, Hamas in Gaza, Shia forces in Yemen that recently toppled the pro-American regime there, and elsewhere across the globe.’”

“Since the Vienna deal, Tehran has given the Hamas regime in Gaza tens of millions of dollars, enabling it to replenish their stocks of missiles and rebuild its terror tunnels into Israel, designed for the purpose of perpetrating Mumbai-like mass casualty terrorist attacks upon Israeli civilians and replenish their stocks of missiles.

“Hamas has found it possible to open 18 terrorist training camps and divert concrete from reconstruction to the building of terror tunnels.

Reports also indicate that Iran is also supplying thousands of new missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon and also on the Syrian-controlled part of the Golan Heights, ensuring that the next Israeli/Hezbollah war will almost certainly lead to Israel being attacked with thousands of missiles.”

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